Active member
Motored my not too heavily modified Range Rover Supercharged up to the "Not Burning Man" event. Actually was one of the few times to have not flown into the event. My buds and I normally build the airport, something we will never do for the organization again. This was the best burn in our combined 36 burns in the USA and abroad. Since there where no arcade rides, people had to actually interact with each other actually actually do "Radical Self Reliance." It was a wild time with little injury or problems that develop from normal ORG run events. Yes, we had to have solutions for poop and stuff, but not too big a problem. Folks did small art or entertainment venues and the big art cars showed up to gives us music and colors to light up the playa. We had a rear projection system where we showed "Rick & Morty" to get folks warmed up to go out to party like only Rick Sanchez can do. The RR did its job providing a good platform to run the system and carry all the massive amount of support inside and on the Front Runner rack.
All in all a great time on the playa. Now I need to clean the car for a month. Pics from early on, perhaps more later.
All in all a great time on the playa. Now I need to clean the car for a month. Pics from early on, perhaps more later.