i guess in a way its wrong thing to do ethically but they don't offer to sell them so its a reasonable thing to do in my opinion. I personally would gladly pay land rover for a flash drive of the repair manuals and in reality I think every vehicle should come with both repair manual and wiring schematics seeing it is so simple nowadays. Its a shame really, had to do the same with GPS, in north america the last gps update was 2010, in the end I bought a black market update for 2016 maps. I would have gladly paid land rover 5 times the price for the same 2016 maps but they just don't offer it and i don't think they plan on it so now I have my source for annual north america map upgrades. Copyright is a funny line to me, would never download a free movie or song or software, I will always pay the copyright holder the money but when they hold the copyright and refuse to release it well, this changes things. Guess everyone has their moral red line.