Well how big isn't it?
It's not as big as a 2wd gm 1/2 ton truck.....
I brought the willys into work today. I got the exhaust leak fixed,
that made a big difference in the exhaust sound. It also doesn't pop
as much now when getting off the throttle. Overall it seems to be
running pretty dang decent. I need to pull a plug or two and see how
they look. I kinda wonder how the jetting is in the carb?
It's driving pretty decent too. With the big clown tires, and being
stupid low to the ground, it actually corners pretty decent. Steering
is a one hand affair and it doesn't seem to wander much.I would have
thought with the front shackles still in front of the spring it would
have been more of a handfull. I do have metal bushings in the spring
and only a single poly bushing in the frame side of the shackle....and
the shackles are only like 3" center to center.
I do get a kinda weird' on power, off power, wiggle out of the rear
end? I don't know what that can be? I think the tires are still low. I
need to get them all up to 20psi and if that helps things.
Concrete expansion joints are not my friend with an 85-86" wheelbase.
It's pretty bouncy. I don't like that, but I don't think there is much
I can do without getting into custom springs and shocks.
The engine temp seems to be doing pretty well. It's better than I
remember at least. It was in the 40s this morning. The temp just
seemed to sit at the 160F mark or so. That is what the thermostat is I
think. Going home uphill when its 80F, or so, should give it a bit of
a workout. It will be interesting to see what it does. I still need to
make an overflow bottle of some kind. I had a glass Corona bottle for
years, it won't fit anymore.
2000rpm/4th gear is about 48mph according to my gps on the phone. It
just loafs right along at those speeds. It is going to be interesting
to see how 5.38 gearing works? I did a little playing around last
night on some dirt hills trying to dial in the idle and stuff. The
idle is about 600rpm now and it seems to be doing pretty well in low
range. I can see the need for it to be lower for sure, but on the
other hand its pretty hard to stall. I am half thinking about trying
to make a remote idle screw and/or manual throttle thing. Once the
engine is warmed up it will idle at like 300-400rpm....though it
sounds like two harley engines trying to die.
My transfer case adapter is still leaking....stupid thing.
I need to get a better handle on my HEI, how the vacuum advance works,
and if I should hook it up? I should probably get a reman distributor
to replace my $20 pick and pull unit. I think it has a few miles on