Rattle can truck bed coating


I made a bed rack and used the Rustoleum Truck bed coating. I've read that the Truck Bed coating is popular for armor. So, I thought I would give it a try. I like the finish of it. But, I'm not happy with the durability of it. It scratches down to the primer very easily.
I know prep is everything. So, maybe I didn't prep it, right. I like to use it on my front tube bumper, when I'm ready to install it.

What's the best way to prep it?
I'm thinking I should strip it all the way down and start over.


Active member
In my experience, it won't survive, regardless of all the preparation you do. If you're wanting a front bumper with a bed coating protection you're much better off spending the coin and having it sprayed professionally.

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Well-known member
If you want something that will stay on, Raptor Liner is the way to go. It is a two part formula that chemically hardens. You do need to have a compressor to spray it. Anything coming out of a spray can or is not a two part mix, is not going to hold up.

Prep is also key for anything. Must be clean and oil/grease free. Scuffing the surface with some 80-120 grit will help give something to bite to as well.

Curtis in Texas

I've found that the Bed Liner in a rattle can has to be prepped really well and put on very thick.
I use some on my SXS's utility bed and have beat the heck out of it. When It gets scraped I just wash the bed and spray on more.
It's a work vehicle and I'm not worried about Mall Crawling Opinions!


I think the spray can bedliner stuff is great but not for anywhere that durability is needed. I've done a few things like ladders and trim parts with it that weren't beat on all the time and it did fine. Anything on the front of a vehicle and certainly bumpers, no way. Use real bedliner. It isn't much harder to prep and apply.


Well-known member
If you want the convenience of a spray can or don't have air equipment to spray Raptor Liner (and don't want to roll on Monstaliner), Raptor Liner does make some of their colors in a 2K spray can. This is the same two part of the bottles, just in a spray can. You hit the button on the bottom of the can and it punctures the inner core to mix the two parts together. I think you have 6 or so hours to use it before it starts to harden inside the can.


Well-known member
Project Farm on YouTube did a really in-depth review of bedliner sprays. That might be helpful for you.
The Raptor liner 2K is great stuff.
I have used it on my center console, and lower dash panel on my XJ, and it has been holding up to seatbelts hitting it, and all kinds of stuff.
Two important things with it however are 1 It is EXSPENSIVE @ $40 per can, and 2 It does not cover much so you need quite a bit to do a job.
I have also used it on a pair of Near Field Monitors (speaker cabinets) that I take on the road, and it stands up to those rigors too.



I used Rustoleum spray can bed-liner on my beat up JK steel wheels. I cleaned them with a degreaser and scuffed them with a fine Scotch pad and put on 3 coats. I also let it cure for a few weeks. After a year it’s holding up great even after a New England winter with lots of road salt.
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