often do you use your hi-lift?


I consider it just another tool in the toolbox. A very versatile accessory that can solve a variety of "problems".


When I had my CJ-7, it was my only jack and I used it to change tires on a series of flats I experienced. The CJ didn't have a winch so it was nice to have the Hi Lift along as an emergency winch. When I bought my new JKU, I added a winch and I have a jack with an AEV base that will handle changing tires. The Hi Lift is now a bit redundant though I still like to take it. I've also become better at protecting my tires from sidewall punctures.


I have had a hi-lift for over 30 years. I have used it as a come along, a post puller, a clamp, a spreader but never as a jack....


When you are in a mall parking lot and/or call AAA for a flat tire the hijack is bling. When you are stuck in the middle of nowhere with a broken winch cable and/or a burnt solenoid the hijack is an invaluable tool.


If putting it in the truck and taking it out of the truck counts as using it then about 200 times. Agree with the if I need it I'd rather have it than need it and not.


Use mine only occasionally (same goes for my winch). Like others have said, there are few substitutes for it when you do need it (used it to change a tire once, but more often I use it to push the vehicle off an obstacle, or to jack a wheel up to put a rock under the tire because the diff or undercarriage is caught, etc.). I will never be without it.


I would love to ditch mine. Its heavy, bulky and/or awkward to store. That said it's super useful and I've used mine a ton over the years. Wouldn't go without it.


I don't have a winch on my truck so I keep it around for its winching capabilities. Which I have used in the past. I would not use it to change the tire on my current rig however.


I have had my HiLift jack for something like 5-6 years. Within that time period, I've only ever used it twice. And both these times, it has been the only recovery tool that has been effective. Both these times the truck was stuck for over 3 hours with winches, straps and whatever being useless due to the location we were stuck in. That has been enough to prove it's worth its weight in gold.

As per the instructions, I've never ever used it to change a tire. So maybe that's why I've only used it two times.
Last summer when we are on our trip across the PNW for 45 days, I would say I used it around 38-45 times.

May seem like alot, but we have a bed cage mounted RTT & we used it every night while setting up camp to level off the truck by lifting from the sliders.

It wouldn't take much but would make a world of a difference in our sleeping comfort level! We wasted less time finding perfectly level ground and got to enjoying our surrounding quicker.

That said I would be hooped without mine if I ever wanted to change a tire, I have too much down travel to even consider the stock jack as a possibility (48" Hi-lift is boarder line too small). I use a bottle jack on the rear but haven't found a bottle jack that will work safely on the front yet (not enough lift height)

Love mine, but also have alot of respect for its power


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That said I would be hooped without mine if I ever wanted to change a tire, I have too much down travel to even consider the stock jack as a possibility (48" Hi-lift is boarder line too small).

Jack from the axle or shock mount - take the suspension travel out of the picture.

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