Rear bumpstops measurement


I need to get new bumpstops for my Tacoma. I've been looking into the DuroBumps on I've been reading good things about them and people seem to like them better than the Wheelers SuperBumps. Their customer service seems good, also, so far by answering my questions.

My issue is, I have about 2.5" -3" lift in the rear on my '97 Tacoma 4wd with 10" shocks in the stock locaions. I have Deaver stock replacement leafs which they re-arched to get me ~2.5" lift, but it seems that it's about 3". I emailed Toyotabumpstops and they said that I need a 4.25" tall bumpstop for my applicaion. On the website the 4.25" is for 2"+ lift with factory length shocks or +1". Factory length shocks are 8". Their 3.5" tall bumpstop is for stock to 1.5" lift with stock length or +1". I measured my OEM bumpstop and it's 2.75" tall. They, also, have a 5.25" tall bumpstop for custom applications. I.E. shock relocation, 12" shocks, custom suspension builds, etc.
I did some measuring and I have 4" of axle up travel, when the shock bottoms out. I have 9.25" between the top of the leafs to the strike pad. I emailed them back with my measurements and they still say that I need the 4.25" tall bumpstops with the 10" shocks. It seems to me that the 4.25" will be too short. I just want to make sure that I am getting the correct length, before I order.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
If you've measured the up and down travel and feel a lower profile bump stop will work without bottoming the shocks then go for it. You're probably fine but only you can really say this for sure. If you're using 10" travel shocks you might also make sure the down travel is safe. You may need limiting straps.


So your shocks are functioning as bump stops if you use less than 5.5" bump stop according to your measurements would think 6 is about right. Not familiar with the product, how much compression of the bump stop occurs with full load?


So your shocks are functioning as bump stops if you use less than 5.5" bump stop according to your measurements would think 6 is about right. Not familiar with the product, how much compression of the bump stop occurs with full load?

That's about what I was thinking. The 4.25" tall bump stops didn't make sense. Since, the gap beteeen the leafs and the strike pad is 9.25" and my driver's side shock has 4" to compress. Was thinking even the 5.25" would be too short due to compression. I don't know how much they compress.


Not familiar with the product, how much compression of the bump stop occurs with full load?

While doing more resesrching amd reading through a thread on another forum about tbe Duribumos, I came across a post by the vendor who makes the Durobumps He stated that the Durobumps compress about .75" during crawling and full articulation and It varies by situation and truck weight.

So, I'm thinking to get the 5.25" and add 1.5" spacer?

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