Recaps, re-treads or what ever you call them for a JKU

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Autism Family Travellers!
Happily I don't care. I know that they are not as solid as a new tire...that's all I need...Run em....fine. I doubt I will ever see you on a road near me. I will spend the extra 100 bucks and have NEW tires instead of someone elses recycled crap.


Autism Family Travellers!
Btw, the only proof or facts I need is that they are used tires with another tread put on them. the side walls etc already have X number of miles. NO THANKS. Only NEW tires for me!
In my humble opinion, there are certain items on your vehicle you should never skimp on. Tires are one of them. These are the only contact you have to the ground and affect not only your traction, but braking as well. This is probably the single most important item on your rig. Without a good tire you can experience serious safety issues. While I don't believe that a retread will spontaneously combust, why not buy a good set of tires with all of the support of the big box manufacturer? You get something that is new, so you know the history of them. You can likely get a replacement warranty from the tire shop you purchase them from in addition to the manufacturers warranty, and you can shop around and get exactly what you want (size, tread pattern etc). If it were me, I would buy a good quality tire and save money elsewhere. Good luck and keep us posted with what you decide!


WAHHHHH....want another baby bottle?
#internet tough guy

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but that doesn't make it right. My opinion is that water is made of pure carbon, I don't care about your science and facts

A definite difference exist for the availability of retreads. Fewer sizes and mail ordering tires can be time consuming. If you buy new, any issues can likely be taken care of right down the street. Unless you live near a retread distributor, that would somewhat negate this comment.
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Autism Family Travellers!
In my humble opinion, there are certain items on your vehicle you should never skimp on. Tires are one of them. These are the only contact you have to the ground and affect not only your traction, but braking as well. This is probably the single most important item on your rig. Without a good tire you can experience serious safety issues. While I don't believe that a retread will spontaneously combust, why not buy a good set of tires with all of the support of the big box manufacturer? You get something that is new, so you know the history of them. You can likely get a replacement warranty from the tire shop you purchase them from in addition to the manufacturers warranty, and you can shop around and get exactly what you want (size, tread pattern etc). If it were me, I would buy a good quality tire and save money elsewhere. Good luck and keep us posted with what you decide!

I have seen treadrights self destruct. Its the nature of the beast. They are remanufactured meaning the original process of the making of the tire is compromised. Again, not something I'm going to trust my family to in a projectile on the public roads.


Many say they have good luck, I never have.
Worked in a retreading shop out of high school so know all to well the process, what they check for in the casings etc.
Few years back a friend bought some Treadwrights for his Jeep, went pretty good for 5000 miles so thought Id give them a try against my better judgement
I ordered 4 , 2 showed up, back ordered two to be shipped in 2 days, in the meantime one of his developed a large goose egg and blew out.
He works all over, week here, 2 somewhere else etc, so was difficult getting new tire shipped / installed etc
Finally got my other two, wrong size, sent them back, then they stop making the tread pattern in the size I needed, then he has another blowout
Long story short, I ended up with two tires they told me just to keep, they didn't want them back, he ended up with 3 out of 4 original ones developing goose eggs then 2 of the 3 replacements doing the same thing and gave up on them
Bad experiences all around
The two I ended up with went on my firewood trailer , working great on it :coffee:


Finally we are back to a rational discussion. I have expressed my opinion and read all those from others. I tire (sorry) of people just whining and insulting each other and actually not adding anything real to the conversation. There is a reason I don't read some of these threads or some forums.


Autism Family Travellers!
See, the best part of an you don't need to back up your OPINION. That's what makes it your OPINION. Holy crap, lots of the very thin skin in this place!


you don't need to back up your OPINION.
"You aren't entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.” - Patrick Stokes

The only scientific study about tread casings finds that new and retreads fail at the same rate. If you don't want to run them because of a personal experience or a friends experience so be it. Vote with your money. At the same time though, let's not perpetuate a myth.

Most here have said, which I appreciate, "I don't run retreads because I bought Treadwrights once and they were a pain/poorly manufactured." But we should refrain from presenting an opinion as fact, and perpuating myths based in ignorance. After all you may feel "you are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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