Another great thread...
I got my ticket last month, I picked up a Kenwood hand-held just before Christmas and have really been catching the HAM bug. There are several very active HAM groups here in the SLC, in addition to our local Cruiser club which touts ~ 50% HAM members, I have been missing out all this time.
I chose a hand-helf for my first radio for several reasons...
1. Cost, they are much cheaper, and too be honest I wasn't sure I would ever use it or get into "hamming". I fully intend to get into a nice mobile setup (or two), but I wanted to get to know the HAM system and other hammers before I jump into an expensive HAM unit. Threads like this have been EXTREMELY helpful in my planning. :clapsmile
2. You can always use a good hand-held. Hiking, biking, etc, it makes sense...
I truly think every off-roader should get a HAM, the distance they are able to conquer is second to none, and in many places (such as Southern/Western Utah), cell phone coverage is non-existant, and CB radios won't handle the terrain.
Another great thread...