Recommendations for a semi DD that can double as an expo rig?

p nut


That's the first thing that popped into my head. Forester, Outback, or Crosstrek would do nicely. I'm not a fan of the stock crossbars on the Outback, and would prefer Yak/Thule bars instead. Forester and Crosstrek have the rails that will accommodate aftermarket crossbars better, but I think they make some sort of an adapter for the Outback as well.

They're pretty solid, though, and with 2.5L, I get 33MPG on the freeway, loaded with family and cargo (nothing on roof, though).

EDIT: Sand comment. Subaru AWD is pretty capable in snow/sand/etc. I grew up in NC. Beaches there won't be a problem.


Not trusting either on Hatteras mid summer when that sand turns to sugar. If I didn't have to deal with the sand then I'd be in an Outback already.

I've been to hatteras, and live on the beach during the summer and it is just as bad (if not worse) in montauk as it is down there. Buy a set of knockoff maxtrax and throw em on the roof just in case and you're still light years ahead in price, economy and comfort in a late model subie than anything else.


Expedition Leader
Coworker had one. I love them but it's a bit more than I need. Local trails I'd be driving on are just FS gravel roads that my DD can mostly handle with a few "oh #%$#%" moments.

Not to throw a curve ball in the mix but the Subaru OB is very popular because it easily does all that and surprisingly well. All while being a very good daily driver. I have one, and had a LandCruiser at the same time replaced with an 8 seat Sequoia the OB for 4 butts or less in seats takes the cake every time. Its not even a comparison. Only issue is getting over your man card issues ;-)


Expedition Leader
I use my 2004 yakima rack gear on the current stock OB rack with no issues. Simply clip my railgrabs to the stowed sock rails. I car top a 13ft long 54inch wide racing dinghy on 66inch bars occasionally, zero issues but it looks nutz. Everything else canoe, bikes etc are easy.


Expedition Leader
Wife took man card when she hated the ride quality of the LC. Duel climate control and fancy power seat adjustments in the Subaru made her happy again. That and snowy road travel the Subaru runs circles around the LC and the Sequoia. Our OB is always to go to car for trips as long as its 4 or less butts in seats. Just a superior machine for 99% of the trips. The old LC and our current Sequoia get the 1% rare jobs where we need a minivan seating situation. OB does well on sand too. Is actually fun on dirt roads, the trucks meh they get the job done but I wouldnt call it fun chattering down dirt roads vs feeling like you could try out for a ralley team after a few trips in the Subaru.

p nut

I use my 2004 yakima rack gear on the current stock OB rack with no issues. Simply clip my railgrabs to the stowed sock rails. I car top a 13ft long 54inch wide racing dinghy on 66inch bars occasionally, zero issues but it looks nutz. Everything else canoe, bikes etc are easy.

I've got a Yak Loadwarrior basket, and I can see the stock crossbars flex pretty bad with even a lighter load. They're rated for 150lbs or whatever, so not surprising. I wish Rhino, Frontrunner or other manuf. would make a complete kit for these cars. I'd buy one of those in a heartbeat.


Expedition Leader
I've got a Yak Loadwarrior basket, and I can see the stock crossbars flex pretty bad with even a lighter load. They're rated for 150lbs or whatever, so not surprising. I wish Rhino, Frontrunner or other manuf. would make a complete kit for these cars. I'd buy one of those in a heartbeat.

With the stock rails in the stowed position and railgrabs clamped to them there really isnt any flex because your clamped at the ends of the bar where its mounted. Works great.


I'd also say Subaru, every time we're on the OBX we see them on the beach. That said, I'd think about avoiding Ramp 49 in Frisco and Ramp 69 on Ocracoke in a Subie - both can and do stop virtually any 4x4 if any mistakes are made or if you stop. Ramp 52 in Hatteras is very doable in a Subie, as are most all other ramps.

p nut

With the stock rails in the stowed position and railgrabs clamped to them there really isnt any flex because your clamped at the ends of the bar where its mounted. Works great.

Yeah, I've seen those. I just want a bit more spacing between the crossbars.


Expedition Leader
Only good complaint about spacing was a snow boarding buddy, his board and binding spacing didnt work with the clamp style rack due to the bar spread. I've hauled plenty of long costly hulls on narrow bar spreads its only an issue if you havent tied the ends to take up side wind loads.


New member
I'd also say Subaru, every time we're on the OBX we see them on the beach. That said, I'd think about avoiding Ramp 49 in Frisco and Ramp 69 on Ocracoke in a Subie - both can and do stop virtually any 4x4 if any mistakes are made or if you stop. Ramp 52 in Hatteras is very doable in a Subie, as are most all other ramps.

49 is where I usually go. The other one that can be bad is 43 or 44, the one where you drive next to the cul-de-sac near the light.

Going out looking at them in the AM.

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