Recovery gear bag


What dose everyone keep there recovery gear in? Mine is currently kept in a milk crate stored in a large storage bin that also holds my chemicals and tire chains. My wife said that it takes too much room so I am looking at breaking it out into one or two tool bags from harbor freight. Has anyone else gone this rout?

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Expedition Leader
A Husky tool bag from Home Depot lives in the back of the truck; I think it's this one: An eight foot tree saver strap, pair of steel clevises, snatch block, winch controller, wire rope repair pieces (I still use wire rope, not synthetic), spare parts (climbing pin kit) for the Hi-lift, maybe another item or two that I can't think of off the top of my head. My tow strap is rolled up in a big Ziploc in the back door pocket.

If I know I'm going to be playing around or going to recover a friend (cause you know, call the guy with a winch and the recovery gear), I have a second bag with another snatch block, more clevises, another tree saver strap, and I think a second set of cable repair clamps and thimble that I'll toss in the truck- all of that crap gets heavy fast. I've got a second 125' winch cable off my old HS9500 and a section of high grade chain I can grab as well. I keep meaning to buy some soft shackles, just haven't gotten around to it. I either toss one of the blankets in the truck over the wire or loop one of the extra straps around it as a damper so that's one less thing to carry. I carry at least one pair of leather gloves in the truck all of the time; again, multi-use item. I try my best not to get stuck, especially since I'm usually alone. I did pull some shrubs out at my parent's house a while back.


Any River...Any Place
I use a Adventure Tool Company ( recovery gear bag and a have a couple of their other tool bags. These are heavy duty, super well made and made in Colorado. He is not competing with harbor freight on price or quality as his stuff is top of line and worth every penny.

Also, owner Paul is regular contributor on forum and a regular vendor at our beloved Overland Shows. With most, if not all, shows canceled this year this would be a great time to support his business with on-line purchase. My wife also has business heavily based on craft shows/fairs and her business has been decimated as all the shows have been canceled. We don't need her income to eat but for those that do it's a difficult time.


Well-known member
If your gear is at all due for a refresh just buy some new gear in a kit with a bag. The bags even the mid level gear comes with are good enough and you can sell the old stuff or pack it into the bowels of the vehicle to keep as spares.

Paying a lot of money for an empty bag didn't make sense when I was looking into it.


Lunchbox Lockers
I bolted some 4" steel strapping across the long side back seat bases on my Excursion. Fold the seat and all my straps, snatch blocks, chains, rigging, etc is stashed under the seat. The strapping keeps it all contained under the seat in the event of an accident.

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