Refigerator/freezer question(s) poll (sort of)


Thanks for the responses! I know this helps me in trying to decide how to approach this. And I'm sure others will also find it helpful.

I (as I am sure many do) wrestle with buying the larger version(s) but realize how impractical it is to use the "high water mark" for my decision instead of a smaller cost, footprint, energy use etc version that covers 85% or so of my needs. But seeing the sizes everyone uses helps me think through it with some real world experiences. Without that I would tend to think larger just because I didn't know. Ultinately just as I do now, if I am with a larger group, we just add an extra cooler or two to cover our needs. No reason I couldn't still do that instead of buying the gargantuan fridge model. Thanks all! And I look forward to seeing any additional answers/info or ideas some may have either for the size or how they use them most efficiently.


1. What size fridge you have? Indel B TB74

2. Do you use it as a fridge or freezer or both (a combo model)? Fridge, but it can cool to freezing.

3. How many people are you typically using it for? 2-3 people

4. how many days food you typically use it for? 7 days

5. Are you happy with the size you got or do you now wish you got that larger or smaller version? Good size

6. Do you still bring a cooler for other stuff? I bring a spare small rotomolded cooler for emergencies and outdoor dry storage mounted to a high rack on the back of my Jeep. So far, it is great for fire paper (usually in the form of cartons from groceries bought during the trip), kindling, a spare roll of paper towels/TP or anything else bulky we need to move out of the Jeep.

Shade, I hope you don't mind. I was just about to respond when I noticed your response is exactly the same as mine except for model size and extra cooler question, so I changed only those.

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