I really try to limit my purchases at REI because of their politics
Exactly... REI is so anti-OHV it's not even funny.. Any company that has such open support for the Sierra Club and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance will never see a dime of my money..
Seems like several of the big outdoor shops are right there in the same boat with them. Cabela's, even though they sell a good bit of ATV stuff, are still staunch supporters of Sierra Club, Trout Unlimited and several other organizations that have been responsible for the closure of thousands of miles of back country roads and trails.
Only one of the large stores I know of that has slammed the door on them and told them to feel free to exit and the next the bus stop is Bass Pro.. The local store here in Memphis even gave the local chapter of the Sierra Club the boot out the front door and told them they were not welcome back in the store when they found they were using the store to gather names for a petition on the one of the recent land grab proposals out west..
Anyroads.. Watch who you given your money to.. You may find that you're doing a grand job of supporting the folks that are trying to take away what little rights we have to vehicular overland expedition and exploration.. Kinda like drinking poison and expecting someone else to get sick there ain't it..??