Repairing Pelican cases.?.?.


Expedition Leader
So I hit the mother load down at the recycle center today... Some unit must have cleaned house and threw away a bunch of damaged Pelican cases. I dove in to rescue what I could and sorted through the ones that were beyond repair and kept the ones that were either fixable or good for parts. My question is does anyone have any experience with fixing these things? The ones that were badly cracked I left in the dumpster but the ones I grabbed are mostly suffering from bent/broken hinge pins or were somehow warped. How one warps a pelican case is beyond me... but I wonder if it can be unwarped? Maybe a heat gun could fix it?? Anyone know anything about working on these please chime in. I'll try and get to work on them this week to at least see what is what and maybe get some pictures. :)


Expedition Leader
Well... the cases I have are not cracked so I don't think the epoxy will be needed. Is a heat gun to much heat to unwarp them or just a matter of being careful? Any idea how to work on the hinge pins? I hope they are not cast into the thing when they are formed... *shrugs*


Pelican has a lifetime warranty. I work for a rafting company and we get ours fixed all the time. Our local dealer has a stock of pins, latches, etc. Any dealer should be able to fix pin/hinge/latch problems for free.


Expedition Leader
Hmm.... I just don't think I'd feel right about taking something from the dumpster (especially since it WAS GOV equip) and then trying to return it to the manufacturer for repair or replacment... Just seems wrong. Dumpster diving is one thing, so is re-purposing... But I hardly think Pelican should get stuck fixing these. If not for me they would be in the crusher by now. And after looking at them a little closer it maybe would have been better to have left them there. I'm still going to try and fix the ones I can and maybe even order some repair parts from Pelican... I'll keep you guys posted. :)


Expedition Leader
Why not just ask the dealer how much he would charge to fix? Then you will feel better and might still get a good deal.:D

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Expedition Leader
I suppose that's an option as well...? But I'm a DIY kind of guy anyways and since I'm sure I only have a couple hundred other projects going at the same! Plus I'd think some hinges would be cheap and can't be too hard to replace. I've been needing a heat gun and this could be a good excuse to get one too. :)


Expedition Leader
If it was something I paid for I would consider it. But simply because the GOV didn't do it doesn't mean I should stick it to Pelican. That would be wrong in my opinion. Your welcome to yours of course. :)


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
you did pay for them....with your tax dollars.
And it was very wasteful of the entity that you loaned those dollars to not to repair them as per the warrenty.
I would have no problem pulling them out and sending them in as they were paid for by my money. Of course I would pay for the shipping there & back as Pelican doesn't cover that :)


i like your ethics Jeepdreamer! maybe post some pictures up of the damage to get better help, a heat gun works though, gotta wonder what they where doing to split a case though haha


Expedition Leader
Yes but this totally screws up his chances of a political career. :D

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk 2

Funny you say that since I'm now on orders to VA. Somehow the idea of putting someone like me right next to that cesspool called CD full of all those lazy, bottom dwelling, self servicing politicians just seems like a really horrible idea! lol!

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