Got T-boned in Pismo two months ago by some drunk frat boy. Been seriously sad about the event. Found the video of the crash on Instagram thru hashtags. Had the girl email me the video.

Good news is I found a new montero that I'm gonna buy in 4 days. I hope no one on this forum buys the montero I found, that would be pretty weak. Lol. Hope the guy keeps his word and holds it for me.

I might have my 33s for sale, I'm gonna go with 35s this time around. Once I get the new montero I will be parting the old one out.

Here's a side pic of damage.



That sucks,but that looks like a free for all,those crashes must happen a lot up there. Did you get any chassis damage from it or is it things like the sills and the bulkhead?

Onwards and upwards though! You'll have a nice new Montero to use as a blank canvas,and you can fish all the best bits from your crashed one and make a really good one out the two
That sucks,but that looks like a free for all,those crashes must happen a lot up there. Did you get any chassis damage from it or is it things like the sills and the bulkhead?

Onwards and upwards though! You'll have a nice new Montero to use as a blank canvas,and you can fish all the best bits from your crashed one and make a really good one out the two

Never ever ever ever going to pismo again. It was an event called huck fest which turned out to be more a f#&$ fest to me. Chassis damage but the montero is strong and the dudes dodge ram pickup had more damage than my little montero. Lol. Been itching to go on adventures... Soon enough it it will happen, I was gonna cross sides and maybe get a land cruiser or 4runner but there too expensive. Funny thing is I was the only Asian person and mitsubishi at that event and I was killing it on the dunes. Montero definitely a sleeper truck that no one but us knows about.
How did the insurance company handle it? I'm curious to know how they take care of off road incidents.

We agreed on not to call insurance companies, I felt bad for the kid. Gave him my insurance info and got his too. One week later I get a call from my insurance company and his mom was try a make a claim. I was like ******?! So I send them the video, long story short, they denied coverage. I hate dealing with insurance companies after I got in a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. I could have went to therapy for this accident but f all that. His truck was brand new lol and it was his mommas. what a loser. After the accident happened his little brother came out the dodge and was try a fight me too. Now I know why overlanders keep handguns within reach.


Expedition Leader
Was that during Labor Day? I'm like you, I hate pismo too but if I ever have to go to Pismo again, it will be on an off weekend rather than a holiday one.

Out of curiosity is your rig salvageable as an off road rig? Maybe just throw a used door and front fender on it so it still looks good? That's what I'd do then use the new rig for daily driver use.
Was that during Labor Day? I'm like you, I hate pismo too but if I ever have to go to Pismo again, it will be on an off weekend rather than a holiday one.

Out of curiosity is your rig salvageable as an off road rig? Maybe just throw a used door and front fender on it so it still looks good? That's what I'd do then use the new rig for daily driver use.

Week before Labor Day. Park was at full capacity.

Before the accident the right side of frame was pushed in about an inch (perks of buying a used truck) which was throwing off the alignment, got an alignment specialist to do his magic so the tire wouldn't wear out, but I still had to hold steering wheel to left. was gonna get it fixed the price was $4-500 estimated. After accident I had to hold steering wheel to right to drive straight. Had my friend who works at the frame shop look at my montero and suggested getting a new car because it will never drive straight and plus montero's are cheap to buy. I would keep pushing the car but if that means ruining the tires, forget it. The car still drives pretty well all things considered even tho it's salvaged on both sides now lol.

I daily drive a prius and a motorcycle, I just want a montero that drives straight so I can go on adventures and bring my dogs around. Riding as a passenger when going offroad sucks, I'm not try a be the spotter all the time.
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Man that sucks! Glad you have it all figured out now.

How did you like those Toyo's? I'm looking at a tire size of 255/85r16 and only a select few have them. The Toyo and BFG KM2 are at the top of my list with the KM2 leading the way.
Man that sucks! Glad you have it all figured out now.

How did you like those Toyo's? I'm looking at a tire size of 255/85r16 and only a select few have them. The Toyo and BFG KM2 are at the top of my list with the KM2 leading the way.

Love them. The toyo's are really quiet on the highway and good in rain and snow. I feel like they wear out quicker than other tires because the tire compound feels soft. If that makes sense. I have no experience with other tires besides the fact that my friends BFG AT's is a harder compound just from feel. No homo. I air them down as soon I get offroad because I feel like it'll tear chunks out the tire which has happened, maybe it's my driving. In the mud these tires kick @$$


Expedition Leader
So other than the bump from the white truck, how did the Montero do in the sand? Looking for so thing something to do after thanksgiving. Haven't been to Pismo in a few years....
So other than the bump from the white truck, how did the Montero do in the sand? Looking for so thing something to do after thanksgiving. Haven't been to Pismo in a few years....

Montero did really well throw it 4llc and low on tranny and you can rip straight up a dune. Leave it on drive and just gun it and carve. The reason everyone gets in accidents is everyone is gunning there engines going fast. Oh yeah 5psi in tires or your getting stuck.

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