Retiring the Trooper


Expedition Leader
OK, I thought that might get your attention. Actually, the Trooper is not going to be fully retired, just from DD use. With the mileage starting to get up there, I want to make sure I have a competent, reliable rig for my travels. Now, this is still a few months down the road, but once it is not running daily driver duties I will have a bit more freedom to work on outfitting it for expedition use. I will post in another thread on possible daily driver options.


Yep it got my attention. Very misleading (DOH!) :smilies27 It will be nice to reserve the mileage for the fun stuff.


Expedition Leader
Yup, that is what I was thinking. Third bay the Trooper and work on building it up, and have a more efficient mode of daily transportation.


Supporting Sponsor
If both of my vehicles were paid off, I'd purchase a brand new MINI Cooper S. I wouldn't pass go, I wouldn't collect $200 - I'd go straight to my local, authorized MINI dealer.

I've been obsessing since my test drive on 8/28/04.


I totally know where you're coming from, Aaron. Every time I pass the gas station, I recall my high school days when it cost me little over $20 to top off the Cherokee. Is it too much to hope for those days to return?


Expedition Leader
cshontz said:
If both of my vehicles were paid off, I'd purchase a brand new MINI Cooper S. I wouldn't pass go, I wouldn't collect $200 - I'd go straight to my local, authorized MINI dealer.

I've been obsessing since my test drive on 8/28/04.


I totally know where you're coming from, Aaron. Every time I pass the gas station, I recall my high school days when it cost me little over $20 to top off the Cherokee. Is it too much to hope for those days to return?

Chris, I like your line of thinking, but I tried the Mini's a couple of years ago, my wife would KILL for one, but I struggled to get in and out comfortably. And I still want the ease of an SUV.

And, sad to say it bud, those days will never be back again. I remember the days when I thought it was outrageous to put $20 in the tank, now it will not even get me a half tank of gas.


Expedition Leader
I know this isn't entirely practical......

But I'd like to retire MYSELF from daily driving and work from home instead. :ylsmoke:

What are you going to use for your all-American daily commutes? I'd be thinking roadster or bicycle. :)


Expedition Leader
Mark, I would love to do that too, but the powers that be will just not allow it at the moment. Colette and I are planning to build a house way the heck out in the boonies, and the Trooper is not suited for that kind of rigorous abuse on a daily basis, or so I am saying anyway. Plus, gas alone will kill me with a 50+ mile one way commute to work every day.

I actually have a thread started under Toyota Trucks on my plans for a new commuter. But I am thinking a RAV-4 or a CRV or something similar. Just bouncing around ideas right now, I am going to be doing my research and make a decision in a couple of months. I would love to be able to work from home though.

The Swiss

Expedition Leader
Might be a smart idea, but IMHO ...
... life is too short to drive uncool vehicles, not even as daily drivers.
... vehicles not used on a regular basis always seem to develope particular problems with seals and electricery.
I used to have several vehicles in the past, a special one and a daily driver, but I somehow always ended up using the special one as my daily driver. Maybe it is just me ... Now we just have one for me (FJC) and one for my wife (even though she is talking about getting a beater vehicle to run around with the boys and a Z350 for her when the boys are in school):suning: .


Expedition Leader
Oh, don't get me wrong, the Trooper will not just sit around until a trail run or trip comes up, it will still transport the family for outings, and make the runs to Costco, etc. But it will not be driven every day to and from work.

Scenic WonderRunner


I can appreciate what you are doing!

When I bought my 4Runner.........It was bought as RETIRED!

I ONLY use it for my 4x4 exploration trips!

I already had an everyday Dad's old 1990 Buick Le Sabre.....238,000 miles and still running strong! Just keep changing the oil!.......every 3,000 to 7,500 miles depending on driving conditions. It gets 31 MPG on the interstate on long trips!!!! I just keep maintaining and replacing all the important components....and it just keeps running strong! So how can I just ditch it because of the over 200K miles>?!!!!


Good choice on your part! I agree!


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
datrupr said:
Chris, I like your line of thinking, but I tried the Mini's a couple of years ago, my wife would KILL for one, but I struggled to get in and out comfortably. And I still want the ease of an SUV.

And, sad to say it bud, those days will never be back again. I remember the days when I thought it was outrageous to put $20 in the tank, now it will not even get me a half tank of gas.

Aaron, there's your answer, buy your wife a Mini Cooper, then take the Suzuki and mod it out as well as the Trooper ... she gets the Mini, you get a capable and economical SUV and have the Troopy as well.

Take care, Jeff


Expedition Leader
Funny Jeff, I actually just thought about that this morning, but the Zuk is a v6, and while more economical than the Trooper, still not a gas sipper. But I like your way of thinking. It might just happen that way.


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
datrupr said:
Funny Jeff, I actually just thought about that this morning, but the Zuk is a v6, and while more economical than the Trooper, still not a gas sipper. But I like your way of thinking. It might just happen that way.

Yeh, that's why I went with the 2.0 4 instead of the Grand Vitara and its V6. Most of the time I don't miss the extra power ...

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