The Campaign Furniture Company Chair is in Phoenix safe and sound and ready to head down to Baja on Thursday.
As a test I ask my 12yr old son who had never even seen the chair before to put it together.
Of course it is 105deg in Phoenix right now so he was caught between the fun of something new and the agony of the heat.
Unpacking the chair was straight forward but I could already see the value of making the bag more of a tool roll style that becomes a place to setup the chair. Hey maybe they could silkscreen the instructions on the inside of it!
Martin is pretty smart and liked what he saw in the bag (that is a Jacobs ladder he recently built for a science fair, major sparks).
Justin was nice enough to include an instruction card with a couple of pics. This helped as a number of the pieces look pretty much alike.
Ah the benefit of youth, when it is easy to just lay on the ground instead of my advice to use the picnic table top. I will say that more myself I plan to use a table to make putting the chair together more comfortable.
Martin really like the graphic on top of the front chair legs where they screw into the arms.
Being an amputee who hates to bend down, I choose to place the chair on the table to inspect his work. This also gave Martin a chance to practice sitting in the "throne like a Safari King".
I will post a full review upon return from Baja but for now I can say that:
1) I don't take as nice a picture as Justin
2) My kid had no trouble putting the chair together and it is the first chair he has taken any interest in. I can see how something like this would become an item your kids would fight over after you are gone.
3) My wife saw it setup in the living room when she gone home and said "wow what is this" but in a good way, not in the normal "what are you up to now" way.
I am looking forward to comparing the setup time with my GCI Xpress Loungers, the comfort and the stability.
First impression is that these are well made chairs that will last as long as any rig you plan to travel with.