Reviving a Willys


As a fun 4th of july project I am thinking about getting my uncles WWII Willys jeep running and taking it for a spin around the block. I am NOT a expert on this type of vehicle, so please help. When it was last put away it was in running order, but has been sitting uncared for from 6 to 20 years. It will obviously need a new battery and a fresh tank of gas with lead additive. Any other suggestions on a startup procedure?

Honestly I dont know how to turn it on, it has no key, that I know of...


Central Scrutinizer
Before buying a battery, I would take the spark plugs out and make sure you can turn the engine over. Put a ratchet on the crank pulley to turn it. If it does turn, squirt a little engine oil in each cylinder and turn it a few revolutions. If it hasn't been converted, it should be a 6 volt system. Be sure to get a 6 volt battery if that is the case. When you get the battery, get a charger that can charge a 6 volt battery because you will run it down a few times.

The fuel tank may be rusty, so you will probably have to rig up a fuel supply system. It should have a starter switch on the floor. Shoot some pics of the dash and drivers side floor and I will point out the different things.

I had a '43 Willys MB back in the day. It had a locked up motor from rust in the cylinders. I got it running, but it took a couple days.


Expedition Leader
Yes...PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take lots of pictures!!! We are flat fender whores here! Well, I am at least...and maybe a few others. :)
As previously mention..pull the plugs and pour a little Marvel mystery oil, or transmission fluid, or something in the cylinders before trying to just crank it over. Your best bet is to get it moving again manually and not via the starter (also as mentioned). The old starter suck a lot of juice and get hot quickly.
As cool as a Freedom Day celebration as this is... just take your time, take loads of pictures, and enjoy!


Expedition Leader
carb will be probably gummed up too by the old fuel, you'll need to dismantle, and clean everything with carb cleaner and wires

Ref the oil in the cylinders do it a few days before too so that it can soak in !

Clean the sparkplugs and points too, give it every chance of firing on the first start !


Expedition Leader
And if its still got the original glass fuel filter you can clean that too. Probably full of something that smells like kerosene by now. :O The points you can set with a book of matches (they do still MAKE books of matches, don't they?). And I'd suggest not getting all excited and trying to drive like a BOOH (bat out of hell) until your sure the brakes are at least working as poorly as they should be.

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