Still not seeing the correct fitting. I appreciate all the suggestions very much and perhaps I may not have been clear enough on what I'm seeking so I will use a different example. I want an elbow/right angle LP fitting that will work with a 1lb disposable propane bottle. Picture the bottle mounted to a source horizontal/sideways rather than vertical and that's where I need the elbow, although at the "device end" of a typical bulk extension hose where the other end is attached to larger tank. Hope this helps and I'll keep looking at the suggestions. This is not a HUGE deal if I cannot find one, just seems like there should be one. And no I don't intend to try and run a tank in the horizontal position although I realize some of them are made to do that. Portable devices like Heater Buddy and some BBQ grills that have vertical connections is the end where I want to attach the elbow to an extension hose that can then come off the device horizontally. Clear as mud!