River Rafting Kitchen box and our old kitchen setup


Founder of D.E.R.P.
I think that is the key thing the bending over :)
the lower door on mine is tall enough at 30 inches tall and the top then is 43 to work with
seems many of the scout type etc.. the door you open ends up being to low for me and if you try to work on the top a door that is low that sticks out is just getting in the way
I do like some of the ones I saw that the doors fold out like double doors then support flip out sides to make a longer work surface ! those seem like a cool design also

but again more a fan of aluminum for my needs :) I think this is a lighter box with more room than you could do out of wood and way less maintenance and easier cleaning and %100 waterproof better work height and easier setup ? IMHO at least :) also at about $350 with shipping quite reasonable I think :)

I do think the one I got with the lower shelf is kinda cool handy would be super easy to rig on any of them though ? figure I can stick some food boxes on it or shoes to keep the scorpions out :)

his legs will be pretty much like mine with tubes inside the box you just slide into ?
so yes you want to leave room or carry them separate ?

good and bad :) pre made shelf brackets or you shove things inside that spot ? but they are meant for rafting and %100 dunk held under the water waterproof !!! so they are sealed tubes that is one thing I like about them I could leave it out side locked up no worries at all !

large enough surface area with the top set all the plates and things out or whatever :)
and the door that flips down to prep food (or so my theory goes) hoping to get out in a few weeks but had two 4 day weekends off last month so have to catch up on work and this is our busy season

still in the trying to figure out stage so not the way its going to be but hope these pics help get another view or make ya think :)

rough idea of my layout going to get one more drawer for utensils etc...

This is pretty damn awesome.


Well-known member
Something I need to shop for as well, great arrangement. I used an Army footlocker and mermac (sp?) cans, Army food containers they haul the chow out to field in and serve from, hot stuff hot, cold stuff cold too.


Founder of D.E.R.P.
Currently unavailable on their website.
I think one of these is in my future to simplify my kit. No more REI camp kitchen.
How often do you find yourself prepping food on the open lid?
Does it feel like it will fall forward using the lid?


lost on the mainland
bummer its not available :(

kinda want another one for our other camp stuff and or pantry system ?
dont know about prepping food yet ? lid is more to get stuff out to bring outside

if we get a new rig I want to make it so it slides out and I can use it that way for lunch and stuff
its more a hold our cook ware if we got a second one for a pantry and our stuff we will use the lid more maybe
does not feel like it will fall over with the weight of what I have played with on the lid so cant say for sure what it would take to tip over
one thing I mentioned I do like the height since it can be used as a prep area

nice thing is besides sticking in the legs and opening no setup to put things on or in it like some camp kitchens
unlike some of the wood boxes this is truly tough and can be transported outside weather proof etc.. no worries

the stock cables need to be modified or replaced :) my first lean test they pulled right out ? modified they are fine but I am going to replace them one day with some other cable
the bottom shelf seems handy ? not enough time to tell :)

this is where we prep food
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Founder of D.E.R.P.
I'm no snow peak king. That is an awesome set up. Maybe when the lottery finally pays off. :p I just use an old Coleman 2 burner stove.
The river box seems more than stout. Plus it can be decorated with ones own stickers which is always fun.

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