Sierra Valley
Kinda bummed it went to a blog. Felt the story was pretty good on here.
Kinda bummed it went to a blog. Felt the story was pretty good on here.
Yeah, I'm with you. Haven't read any since.
Did you get a chance to carve your name on one of those whales?
Kinda bummed it went to a blog. Felt the story was pretty good on here.
Yeah, I'm with you. Haven't read any since.
Your loss. His pictures and posts are entertaining as ever and he is generous enough to continue to post the link every time he updates.
I certainly appreciate the trip updates and excellent photography. I don't find the extra effort required to click my mouse once more to reach the blog to be overly burdensome. It's definitely less effort than it takes to update the blog.
Not sure what the big deal is either. I know I follow others on here with blogs as well. One simple click and you're there.