Roam About with "Big Hank"


Did you get a chance to carve your name on one of those whales?

Uh that would be a no!

Kinda bummed it went to a blog. Felt the story was pretty good on here.

It was just becoming too much of a burden to keep different forums updated. I needed to consolidate it and figured the blog route was the easiest and most productive way to go. Each time I update the blog I've made notification here along with some pictures. Sorry you aren't following along anymore.

Yeah, I'm with you. Haven't read any since.

As stated in the earlier post it was just becoming to much of a burden. I enjoy posting up pics and some verbage for others to view as I know I like to follow others travels as well. When it started to become a major chore to keep a few forums update it was on to the blog. Sorry you aren't following along anymore.

Your loss. His pictures and posts are entertaining as ever and he is generous enough to continue to post the link every time he updates.

Thanks and glad you are enjoying the blog.

Just updated the blog site: Some swimming with whale sharks!


Texas Aggie

I certainly appreciate the trip updates and excellent photography. I don't find the extra effort required to click my mouse once more to reach the blog to be overly burdensome. It's definitely less effort than it takes to update the blog.


I certainly appreciate the trip updates and excellent photography. I don't find the extra effort required to click my mouse once more to reach the blog to be overly burdensome. It's definitely less effort than it takes to update the blog.

Not sure what the big deal is either. I know I follow others on here with blogs as well. One simple click and you're there. But, to each his own. Thanks for following along and the compliment on the photography.

Spent yesterday exploring some back roads. Pretty rough stuff so it was slow going. Beat the hell out of us all day. When I opened up the camper last night it looked like a bomb had gone off back there. Would love to get back in this area on the motorcycle. Will update blog site again soon.



The hot spring in the ocean sounds interesting,at least when the weather is cooler.
Some beautiful country,thanks for sharing.


Not sure what the big deal is either. I know I follow others on here with blogs as well. One simple click and you're there.

It's all good. I'm not a big fan of blogs in general, and then to come here and be pointed off to different blogs just kind of turns me off. I've always appreciated the trip reports posted to this forum and others I follow. I guess I just like to find all the content in one familiar place and not have to travel the web to retrieve it. To each his own, right?

Besides, I should be out in my shop working on my many projects and/or out on the trail living my own adventures! Who knows, maybe we'll meet out in the boonies one day?!

Safe travels!


I've enjoyed reading about your travels very much, even sharing the pictures with my Wife. So, clicking on your blog is fine with me, just wish I knew how to reply to it. I did your very trip in 1990 and man has it changed.

If you don't mind posting, I sure as hell don't mind reading!



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