CW Post Part 2
If you been follwing my post. We left the Museum in Blanding. Headed on over to South side of Canyon Lands NP. Stop by Newspaper Roc. Very interesting.

Continued up toward the NP. Ended up Camp at Hamburger Roc. Still on the muddy side, but foun d couple of campsite next to each other.

Later that night we decide to stay an extra day here. To dry out, and hopefully the trail up thru Lockhart Basin dryed out a little as well..... We had heard that someone had gotten stuck pretty good earlier in the day. So the next day we stopped by the Needles Outpost. Just outside the NP. Went into the Park, and ended up doing Elephant Hill. Frenchie guided me thru it. I'm not bragging but I've done my share of hard core trails. This was different in so maney ways. Thanks Frenchie....You the man! After Elephant Hill, we finished up by going out to Big Springs overlook, and did a little walking, but nothing to crazy. Headed home for the night, and had nice campfire, as well.