Rolling with our 6x6 Beasties


Dirt Track Traveler
Not long after I got here the weather decided to give me the chance test out some, slightly more, extreme conditions. It snowed, . . . and froze, off and on for a few days . . . , I came here to be warm!

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So I picked up a $8 terracotta, unglazed, flower pot. It helps, and yes I have loads of ventilation. That's not a problem right now ;)

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After that was over, I spent time just "hangin' out" and helping "Transform" the yard space here,

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Also worked on getting our portable transfer pump back in running condition (yes, I did leave on this trip w/o a working transfer pump . . . doesn't everyone? :) ), and did some mod's on the Draggin'.
I had smoked the motor on that pump last fall trying to transfer some really thick, cold, Waste Motor Oil. We don't use it most of the time. Mostly it's the double-diaphragm, air powered, pump that we do transfers with . . . it's mounted to the trailer, not the trailer that I'm dragging. So I had grabbed the portable, the one that I had built into an ammo box, an extra motor (almost the same kind) and brought them w/ me . . . I was going to a city :sombrero:
A few days hanging out w/ my "Hot Rod" friend and we kinda decided that it was going to be more work than I wanted to couple up that motor. The decision was made to buy another another one the same as what I'd had. Not like I hadn't tried all kinds of things to get that oil out of the tank there, but it was going to cost me less, in time and money, if I just replaced it. A couple weeks of being here w/ no fuel is why I did the little mod's

First I needed to get my external wireless antenna wired through the wall, not much of a signal inside. Then some of that "no-slip" stuff on the top of my bumper. We did this to the She Beast a couple years ago, see how far behind mine is. I also mounted those back-up lights I'd been carrying around for the last few years, and one still worked I spent loads of time trying to find the perfect spot, not in the way of the jerry cans, lights, etc. Once I'd decided, and mounted them, I noticed that when I had the tailgate down they would shine under it . . . YES! meant to do that :ylsmoke: Perfect for backing up to something that I was going to load, too heavy to trust on the tailgate, and it was dark. I had it covered!

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I had been given a small solar panel back at the first gathering I stopped at. It was too small for what he had needed. Seems like just what I need. Of course I was pulling 12v off one batt, (we have a 24v system, and when you pull 12v off one batt they become very out of balance) now I had a way to keep it topped off. I mounted the panel to the lid of the 5 gal storage box and ran the wire to the cab. there I could just plug it into the 12v socket that I use to pull from. At least I'll be able to start it every time, . . . I hope :rolleyes:

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Time to roll farther south.

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Dirt Track Traveler
Two hours of pavement later I roll into my favorite border town, not really on the border but only 4 miles off.
I connect with friends and they invite me to do a ridge hike with them the next day, . . . I wonder if I'm going to regret spending so much time at 3,000 feet.

The next morning we head to the ridges and get a good view of the town from above.

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There used to be a mountain there, now it looks like that, . . . and there's a pit big enough to put a mountain in right behind it.

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The second range, past the distant part of town, is in Old Mex

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Just some small part of what we saw during the hike :ylsmoke:

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