Well, I'm all done. It was a little harder than I had thought but after I finished I think I figured out why. I did all the work with the top fully extended and of course had to fight the torque of the lifting system to get my brackets installed. I fabricated a 1/8th inch thick aluminum plate 3 inches wide by 8 inches going forward and 12 inches across the back. I installed two extra bolts across the back on each side for a total of 4 and one extra on the side. Of course my plan to pop rivet a thin aluminum plate across the holes on top didn't work out. It turns out that the top was made of fiberglass, so I went to the Depot and bought some resin, hardner, and fiberglass fabric. My only problem is I know nothing at all about applying fiberglass so I will be doing a lot of sanding and rework.
Bottom line is I have a fix that should last for years. I can't imagine why the original manufacturer didn't figure this out......could be the reason they are not in business anymore.
As an aside, I talked to a guy in Pahrump, Nevada that had several pop ups with the same problem as mine, he had inherited them from his dad who had been a Starcraft dealer, the lifting mechanism was coming thru the top in the rear.....he said a couple of them were "brand new "90's" something units, that had failed and never been returned to the factory. At the time I didn't know what I know now or I would have gone and picked one up....oh well.
I apologize for not having pictures, but I'm digitally challanged