roof rack / observation platform?

I am just starting plans for a new to me AWD Express.

I can't seem to find any information that can help me decide whether or not it is feasible for a cargo rack to double as an observation platform. I certainly wouldn't put 800 lbs on it and travel down the road, but once I reach my destination would it be unrealistic to put 4 careful adults on it in camp chairs?

The Express has full length gutters, so I am thinking gutter mounts but not sure yet. I see three bar ladder racks that claim 300lb capacity, so by extension eight bars should support my load, or rip the gutters off and let us all fall onto the roof.

Obviously all of us standing on one end wouldn't be a good idea, but would the rack/platform distribute the load enough if we all sat next to each other near the middle?

Any thoughts/experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
I am planning on something similar. I want space for some extras and also a place to lay out under the stars so it would have to be full length for the Van.

I don't have a ton planned right now as I am focusing on the interior first but I do know that we used to have two big guys on top of ladder racks on our old work vans all of the time. That's in addition to 4 or 5 24' to 40' ladders. Never had any issues. I believe that was with only two crossbars so I imagine three or four mounts on each side would be plenty for a roof rack like you mentioned.

Interested to see what with you come up with.


sorry.. my phone was misbehaving earlier...

better said about diamondrax:

there are two of them on my rig which addresses the cab/bed gap... it can hold 1800#, and i've had 1400# in lumber up there once (for about one mile never exceeding 30mph).. i've slept up there without issue, and used it as an observation deck before too...


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Expedition Leader
You're either going to have to spread the load as much as possible via the structure of the platform, or make it a truss sort of thing with the weight at the corners and support those inside.

Depending on how the roof skin is supported inside, you'll want to design the runners or braces in such a way that the weight rests on that internal support structure. Either with the rack supports like ski runners, in full length contact to bridge between the vehicle skeleton or to spread the load as much as possible. Think of it like a sandwich - a deck in full widespread contact with your roof, a frame structure, and a deck you'd stand / sit on.
Added benefit of the design is you could build some sockets into the perimeter frame and add some posts and a guardrail wire when you are stationary, so folks won't fall or step off.


you could call rhino racks, Frontfrunner, Equipt. They have flat platforms. Rack Attack and ORSRacks might be able to help you with gutter mount crossbars. Where in Colorado are you?

Thanks I will take a look at them. I also found these guys that claim an 800lb capacity with only four gutter mount feet. I am just a little leery of that much weight in that small an area.

I don't mind adding a floor to something if needed. Again, I am in the early planning stages, but I am thinking that a solid floor will shade the roof of the van and keep temps down. The primary use for the van at this point is hauling dogs to various events and giving them a place to be when not competing. Having barn door cargo doors on both sides as well as the back helps with the ventilation, but some shade would be nice too. Unless there is a reason a solid floor is a bad idea.


Overlanding Nurse
I did this on my Gen 3 Montero. No gutters, so I removed the OEM roof racks and put aluminum channel down each side, the full length of the roof. My home-built rack's feet mount to this. The rack is rectangular with round crossbars for ordinary use. Plastic poultry flooring fits into the rack as a solid floor for use as an observation platform. Works beautifully.


Overlanding Nurse
That is thinking outside the box. Do you leave it up there or just when needed? If you leave it, how did you attach it?
I don't claim to have come up with this idea, but rather heard about it somewhere online. It can be left in place or removed easily. It's just held down with zip ties.


I use a three crossbar aluminum on my GMC Van... Storage Equipment/Roof Racks/All Purpose/229-3..........
I have bolted a 4x8 sheet of 3/4" marine plywood to it and used it just like you want with no issues but the weight was not moving. The aluminum crossbars have a third rib inside for strength, super high quality very strong and real light. These sit on the roof and hold on to the gutters, not using the gutter for weight support. The van is a different size and shape at every location, the bars are made for each location but can move a little. A fairing has to be used to keep the air from under it, and the noise down.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
One thing you could do if you use the raingutters for the rack mounts is to have full length rack runners in the gutter that will help spread the load. This will spread the load over the entire gutter rather than just at the location of rack feet, and increase capacity.
Something like this rack I'm using on my Cruiser. I've had 5 people on my rack in the past (approx. 850lbs)
One thing you could do if you use the raingutters for the rack mounts is to have full length rack runners in the gutter that will help spread the load. This will spread the load over the entire gutter rather than just at the location of rack feet, and increase capacity.
Something like this rack I'm using on my Cruiser. I've had 5 people on my rack in the past (approx. 850lbs)

I was thinking about building something along those lines, but yours looks even better than what I was coming up with. Can you tell me the brand, so that I can see if they have something for the Express?

Edit: I found it on post #38 of your build thread. PrInSu Designs off to see what they have.
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