I gotz dis
I think that this trail takes it's toll on everyone, including the locals... I met a guy in a full-size dodge, who had broken all of his motor/trans mounts, and another guy who had rolled his very capable 4runner(that was running 40's)... someone else apparently broke the frame(!) on his first-gen Toyota, in a couple of places... all that's just within the space of one weekend, in the October off-season... who knows what other damage happened, that I didn't know about.
the locals know every rock on the rubicon, and for them, part of the fun is pushing the limits of their rigs... they will go out of their way to help, and offer lots of good advice.
That Dodge guy is here: http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...odge-Ram-rock-crawler-expedition-build/page19
Us locals encounter changes every weekend. You at least got to check out the latest and greatest new bridge at Ellis Creek. Top dollars at work right there!