Roost Roof Top Tent


New member
I couldn't find any reviews of the Roost tent when I ordered one but I liked the locking design, the ability to hold skis in the winter, and the fact that it was made in the US.

When it arrived it had been damaged in shipping. still usable but the latch on the passenger side wouldn't lock. i shimmed it out with some washers to get it to lock and took it to Moab the next day. however that side had a stress fracture in the fiberglass and a large chunk of the paint had been chipped off.

Grant at Roost Roof Top Tents was great to work with. They said they would happily pay to fix it and would even call local shops in Utah to find one to take it to. I asked Tom at Great Basin Rover ( GBR ) in Salt Lake who suggested Everest Collision Repair. Roost went the next step and even called and talked to Everest to answer any questions since Everest had never seen one. It was completely taken apart sanded repaired and repainted. Roost even paid Everest Collision directly so i didn't have to do anything.


I upgraded to the thicker pad and the washable liner and its the best sleep I've ever had while camping. I only lost a few MPG and on the last river trip to Jackson Hole. The Tacoma got just over 23 MPG on average both ways. If I had to buy one again I would buy the Roost. I admit I haven't used the other brands I have only talked to a few other owners who lost more MPG than me and take theirs off in the winter since they have no use here in Utah.

I have had it about 3 months now and had it on several trips without any problems.

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Well-known member
Lucky you worked with good folks, especially after accepting and using it. I always inspect any shipment, if something is wrong I don't accept it until something is worked out. Good for you! Nice rig too! :)


New member
the shipping container didn't look damaged. I think it was a loose nail on the pallet so I didn't see it until UPS had left.


Killer set up! Is the Roost going to serve double duty on top of the Defender too?

I love the fact that this RTT can also be used as a cargo box, it greatly expands the usefulness. How hard is it to convert to storage mode?


New member
you just take the sides of the tent off (which is attached with Velcro and buttons) then pull the mattress out of the box. probably ten minutes to take the "tent" out of the RTT. Thanks I like my setup. Its no Chinook but it works well.


Supporting Sponsor
How well do you fit in it? I'm 6 1 160lbs and go is 5 2 100lbs. What's the specs on your truck


New member
you would fit fine. my first trip to moab a buddy and i fit in it without problems and without touching. he's a touch taller than you and we both weigh about 200 each. I emailed ARE about the fiberglass shell that the RTT is mounted to. ARE told me that they don't publish static weight limits for their shells but that "its reported by customers at more than 600 lbs" the published dynamic weight limit for the shell is 150 lbs.


New member
I have also been considering the roost it's certainly not the cheapest in its "class" how do you feel about the construction and materials they've used? How durable does it feel? I believe cvt makes a similar tent for quite a bit less but I wasn't convinced it was as heavy duty + I live in Florida and can drive to roost to pick it up which makes buying one quite a bit more personable of an experience......any advice or info you have would be invaluable thx


jamon, I actually drive by your truck most days here in SLC and have admired it and the rtt. Pretty cool to bump in to the writeup here! Good to hear the tent is working out for you.


Bumping this......
Anymore opinions of the Roost tent? Anyone else buy one?
There seems to be nothing on Youtube and no signficiant reviews from any other source except for Roost.


New member
about to get one

About to get one this weekend and was stoked to hear how much you like it. if you're ever back i moab let me know.


New member
Congrats I love mine. I slept in Moab last week in the Roost. The only new thing that I'd update my review with is to take the mattress out between trips and occasionally double check the rails that attach the RTT to the rack. Earlier this summer I rattled the left track loose.


New member
I liked the CVT tent but I wanted to be able to get in it from any of the three sides so i could use it with my other car when i get a rack on it. Defender roof racks have a rear ladder so I didn't want to be limited to the side entry.


Expedition Leader
Looks like a nice tent! Curious: How noisy/quiet is the Roost fabric in windy conditions (>20mph)? And I didn't see this on their website: I assume it has zippered bug screens for each door?

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