Route 66: Two weeks in a lifted 2002 Jeep Liberty


Not having the stars align to attend the Maya Rally and me still having 2 weeks of use it or lose it vacation time, my wife Jayme and I have decided to tour Route 66 from Santa Monica to Chicago. The main reason for the West to East tour is that we'll finish the tour within an hour's driving distance from home, eliminating a rushed drive at the end of the tour.

I've done this tour in a week solo driving Grumpy a couple years back. It was a really good trip, but I was able to find many things to side track me (like driving down into the Grand Canyon on Hualapai Tribe land and hanging with friends in Flagstaff) and ended up rushing the second half of the week.

We're not going full overland style as we like to eat local while traveling, but we'll be sleeping in the back of my Jayme's Jeep every night if things go well. She removed the rear seats a couple years back and I helped her build a platform to level things out. Being 6'2" it's a little cramped for me laying back there, but with one of the seats fully forward and me laying diagonal we both seem to fit. We're currently looking for a foam pad/mattress that we wouldn't feel bad about cutting up to make the platform more comfortable.

Seems most of the detailed direction for Route 66 on the web run East to West, so I started reversing some of the nicer ones I've found using DeLorme Street Atlas. Plan is to take the oldest alignments possible, unless a newer alignment has more interesting driving. In areas that an interstate paved over/replaced Route 66 and frontage roads are available, the frontage roads will be used if possible to reduce interstate mileage. I already know of a few areas out West where we'll be driving long abandoned roads that the Jeep's capabilities will be used.

Side trips:
We'll be traveling the most direct route from Chicago to Santa Monica, kinda. It's just not possible for us to not spend some time in Moab on our way out, being all of 31 mile off I-70. Hey, we're Jeepers, it's what we do.
Las Vegas will also get a short visit. We're generally not into the whole Vegas scene, but she's never been and there is that roller coaster on top of a building. Not sure if we'll need it, but anyone know a good place to park our Jeep to camp for the night in Vegas?

If you have any Route 66 tips or suggestions, let me hear them.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Good luck on the trip-

You might look into an air mattress and pump, it'll make the sleeping SO MUCH more comfy--

Now I mention that because I recommend ---truck air mattress and they are cut out on the sides for fender wells and usually at least 8" thick when filled-very durable and thick vinyl

I've use the same one for 6 years now, in an '06 OR Xterra and my '08 JKUR jeep-no leaks yet

I'm 6'4"+ so I can't sleep on those "pads"-

Good luck

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


Based on past experiences with air mattresses and cold nights, we've concluded that a foam pad will keep us warmer. Jayme will be checking out some 3" Memory Foam material today.

Joe, we'll be getting into Moab late on Dec 1 or early on Dec 2.

I spent the past two evenings glued to the desktop, plugging different Route 66 alignments into DeLorme starting from CA. I'm only half way across AZ and I'm liking the amount of roads listed as "unimproved" by the program.
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Desert Dan

You can follow lots of the original Rte 66 from Barstow, CA to Ash Fork , AZ. Don't miss Amboy, CA and Oatman, AZ.


Treat yourselves to a night in a Vegas hotel. Less than 50 bucks will get you something decent. Unless you are trying for the "most consecutive nights in the back of a Jeep Liberty" award, which does not exist.:p


Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
I know an excellent spot just outside Island in the Sky boundary. Amazing canyon view and wood fires allowed. Unless ur thinking about a hotel then disregard.


I second Oatman, cool little town and last time we drove through there were many of those "ooohhh that looks like a cool road to explore" moments. Sounds like a great trip!


Jayme's memory foam seems to be a winner. She picked up a Temper-Pedic 3" king size mattress overlay for $30 off CL. After cutting it to fit the Jeep she figured out that she could piece together the left overs into the same size as what we needed and placed them under the main mattress, giving us a 6" thick mattress. Initial testing indicates that it will be quite comfy.

National Trails Highway, Oatman-Toprock Highway and older alignments will be driven. There's an abandoned section of 66 just west of the CA/AZ border near Park Moabi where the road has been wash away in a couple places that I had fun driving last time.

Not going for the "most nights in the back of the Liberty award", just being cheap. Not opposed to a night in a hotel here and there. Maybe Vegas will be one of those nights.

Island in the Sky sounds great. Fill me in bud.

Yeah, I really enjoyed Oatman, AZ when I did the trip solo in 2010. Think I killed 2-3 hours there.


Route 66 will take you through Joplin, MO. It is still pretty torn up from the massive EF5 tornado that went through in May of 2011. Prepare to be amazed at what nature can do!


Joplin will be interesting to see. Nature is rather impressive.

I've been to New Orleans three times since Katrina in June of 2009, 2010 and 2012. Amazing how much destruction is still evident. Many tall building still have windows out, vacant lots where damaged buildings previously stood.


No joke! That's kind of how Joplin is. My sister and brother-in-law live up there and he works with the crew that worked in the Mercy Hospital that was hit so hard. One of the surgeons he works with was in the basement performing surgery when the lights went off as the tornado hit. The stories that they have to tell are unreal!


Route programming complete CA through TX, kinda fun to see all the pieces of Route 66 that we'll run the I'm not able to find road for on DeLorme, GoogleMaps or MapQuest.

Jayme, took the Jeep out playing at The Cliffs Insane Terrain yesterday. After washing it today, including the engine, it set a bunch of codes (P0300, P0303, P0304, P0837 and P0838). Hopefully it's just a matter of things drying out.


After playing with hair driers, yes plural, and swapping ignition coils between cylinders to see the misfires follow the coils them Jayme concluded that two of them needed to be replaced. Using some online shopping discount code kung-****, we purchased them both and some new tail light bulbs for less than $40, picking them up from one of the local Advance Auto stores. She had them installed before I returned home from work, so yeah, my grrrly rocks.

After dinner I grabbed the netbook to continue plotting the course, discovering that something during the day fried the chargers for both our netbooks. Using the battery life I had available I was able to map most of the way across Oklahoma, pretty straight forward state, with few alternative alignments.

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