they are around the Ococee.
Prior to the trip I installed a tactical rovers rear bumper. Why did I choose this bumper?
From the extensive research I did there were only a few choices. Voyager racks offers a swing out tire carrier that uses the factory plastic bumper. I personally didn't like this option because I wanted actual rear protection vs just the spare tire. Kaymar makes an amazing bumper with dual swing outs for a reasonable price. After contacting them and their importer and the states side shipping company it was going to be almost $3500 for the rear bumper. After almost giving up I found a very old thread on here where tactical rovers was mentioned. Doing a little facebook stalking I was able to get a phone number and called the owner Eric. First off, amazing customer service. Eric was prompt in returning my call and discussing ideas for a dual swing out bumper. I explained about my shake down run was only a few months away and Eric assured me the bumper would be done in plenty of time....... ORDER PLACED!
While waiting on the bumper I finished a few other things
I installed quick release limb risers and got bored and plasti dipped my light covers.......I was bored..... don't judge!
When the bumper arrived I was fuming mad. the driver fender edge was all chewed up and looked like the UPS driver had dumped the bumper out the back of the truck. I had to take an angle grinder to smooth down the edges. Eric was just as mad as I was. After an hour the bumper was on
Eric is still working on the second swingout. Once I finish my trip report I will link it here with a few gear reports