More maps
Thanks already started planning !
Rover and whiskeycutter: In the process of planning a Sandhills traverse in 2010, which was unfortunately OBE (Overtaken By Events), I acquired a set of County road maps for Cherry County and a couple or three neighboring Sandhills counties. The source was the Nebraska Department of Roads in Lincoln and I recall arranging a telephone order which was promptly filled. I also telephoned the county Road Commissioner for Cherry County in Valentine, NE, with a few questions about full-scale public roads vs nonpublic "ranch roads" as related to the maps I'd ordered, received, and reviewed along with the DeLorme Nebraska Atlas & Gazetteer. I'm not where my notes are, but I recall some comments with complete clarity:
Road Commissioner: You're calling from North Carolina, and you want to drive where?
Road Commissioner: You won't come out here with some silly GPS gadget as your only map, will you?
Road Commissioner: You do know your cell phone is useless out here, don't you?
Road Commissioner: The Cherry County road maps I've seen from the Department of Roads are pretty good, but they show lots of public roads, private ranch roads, roads which don't exist, and they're missing roads which do exist. There is no clear distinction between between the maps' depiction of public and private roads once you get off of numbered state routes and some of the more prominent public county routes. Just plan bring some maps, a compass, and plan on spending some time scratching your head. There's a good chance you'll end up on somebody's private road at some point, but if the rancher encounters you, make sure you're behaving by not driving like a fool on these narrow sand roads with blind hills and curves everywhere, let him know you're interested in the area, and are hoping you're on either a public road or that you can obtain his permission to pass through if not. More often than not, the rancher will be tickled to see you and is likely to invite you over for lunch, dinner, or a cup of coffee.
I hate that my only exposure to the Sandhills back then was running NE-2 enroute from NC to Montana, as I'd hoped to stitch together a 2-3 day off-highway traverse on the return trip. Presently scheming for a return to MT in 2015, so can hopefully get the old Superduty out into the Sandhills then.