He seems dead set on taking the topper off. Maybe he found a buyer. Or won the lottery.:ylsmoke:
Me? I'm on the way to Utah and am getting ready to crawl in the back, watch a movie, and go to sleep. How one can do without an enclosure of some sort I'll never know. But Tacomas sure do look cool with an open bed and the spare mounted at an angle in the back.:costumed-smiley-007
Yep, I won the lottery. Haha, no. Not really.
I agree Tacomas look best with the topper off. But now I'm thinking there's just too many benefits the topper offers that can't be sacrificed—even over a raised bed rack (especially for a DD).
Although I liked having a roof rack for storage and a place to secure tools outside the vehicle, the exposure to the elements has been taking a toll. I'm thinking about taking it off. With the freed-up space, I can add an RTT and move all payload inside the bed for more protection.
I did decide to remove the swing-out tire carrier. I didn't realize how much I'd miss having quick access to the tailgate! I know I'll be losing the space and quick accessibility to the spare tire, however, I feel the truck is more functional without it. This is just something I've learned with time on the trails.