RSI SmartCap order status


New member
I ordered a SmartCap through because they said they had them in stock on April 2.
today they just told me it was back ordered indefinitely…
I’ve emailed customer service for both carID and Smart cap and I’ve also called and left messages with both places… I fully understand that there are supply chain issues; just trying to get a real answer of what’s going on.
I really don’t want to cancel my order and start all over and go to the back of the waiting line…

has anybody taken delivery of a SmartCap recently and what has your wait time been.

I’m okay waiting; because everything I’ve read, it’s the exact cap I’m looking for, for my power wagon build.

Thanks to anyone who has insight they’re willing to share!!

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I just bought one a couple of weeks ago from Rocky Mountain Toppers in Billings Montana. They sell a ton of them and he told me they had over 20 in stock when I bought mine. I never had to put a penny down just told them I wanted one and he said he would call when one for my truck came in and the rest is history as they say. My local dealer could not give me an eta and wanted 50% just to get my name on the list. Not sure where you are but if close to Billings MT give the a call. it was like a 720 mile round trip for me to get it but it was worth it.



New member
That looks great! My power wagon is the black 75th anniversary model.
I just left Rocky Toopers a message. Hope to hear from them tomorrow! Thanks for the heads up!!

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ignore button user
That looks great! My power wagon is the black 75th anniversary model.
I just left Rocky Toopers a message. Hope to hear from them tomorrow! Thanks for the heads up!!

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added this today. not sure how it will look after today but looks good now LOLIMG_20220523_140329495.jpg


Active member
I would see if you have a local dealer nearby. I ordered mine through the local shop that was an authorized dealer and it was hassle free. Plus if it came in damaged, it will be their hassle, not yours. I had them install mine as well, so no trash, no muss, no fuss.


I know they are cool looking, but the paint on mine is super poor. They gave me the run around on exchanging it, so I gave up.


Dude, CarID and most of those other sites that google populates are just drop shippers. They don’t actually have any “stock” or even a warehouse.

It’s best to deal with reputable retailers that actually have brick and mortar locations.

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New member
Ok so here’s the latest…the previously recommended shop in MT has the exact cap for my truck actually in stock (they sent me a pic of it).

The problem is, they’ve already assembled it and the shipping cost is approx $1500 (as so they’ve said)

So my dilemma, is it worth me driving to Montana from
West central OH (approx 1500 miles one way) for a pickup cap that my “local” dealers seem to think is unicorn of truck caps and can’t give any ETA on actually getting?

Fwiw-my dad is retired and said he’s up a road trip to go get it with me.

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Have you spoken to nuthouse? The are a dealer... that being said, mine is just OK, and I would not buy a second if needed for some reason


ignore button user
Ok so here’s the latest…the previously recommended shop in MT has the exact cap for my truck actually in stock (they sent me a pic of it).

The problem is, they’ve already assembled it and the shipping cost is approx $1500 (as so they’ve said)

So my dilemma, is it worth me driving to Montana from
West central OH (approx 1500 miles one way) for a pickup cap that my “local” dealers seem to think is unicorn of truck caps and can’t give any ETA on actually getting?

Fwiw-my dad is retired and said he’s up a road trip to go get it with me.

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Never pass up a road trip with your dad.


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I know they are cool looking, but the paint on mine is super poor. They gave me the run around on exchanging it, so I gave up.
Curious what your paint is like, any photos? The paint on mine looks great as did my buddies. His was about a year old when he sold his rig. Mine is new so hopefully it holds up.


I just have zero faith in any foreign made product quality. Especially, one from Africa.

My experience with James Baroud may have left a sour taste, but being a foreign brand leaves you with little options if you get screwed.

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ignore button user
I just have zero faith in any foreign made product quality. Especially, one from Africa.

My experience with James Baroud may have left a sour taste, but being a foreign brand leaves you with little options if you get screwed.

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I have gone over mine with a fine tooth comb (actually my buddy had one for a year and we camp together so spent a lot of time around it) and it is high quality. I asked my buddy if he would get another if he got another truck(he sold his truck and ordered a Sprinter 4x4) and he said absolutely. The factory in Texas is getting close to production.


New member
Latest update on truck cap status
I spoke with a regional guy with SmartCap today. He said they do have a shipment coming sometime in June/July.
They currently only have one distributor in the United States who handles all incoming orders that go out to dealers. Regional guy says he has no way of knowing where I stand “in line” in the order process.

So the question remains…do I take the 3000 mile road trip to go pick up the cap that’s in stock in Montana next week or do I wait until realistically July at the earliest for the one I ordered thru carID?

To add a fun variable to the equation… I have a brand new unopened Roofnest condor XL rooftop tent in my garage waiting to be used.

What would you do in my situation?

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ignore button user
Latest update on truck cap status
I spoke with a regional guy with SmartCap today. He said they do have a shipment coming sometime in June/July.
They currently only have one distributor in the United States who handles all incoming orders that go out to dealers. Regional guy says he has no way of knowing where I stand “in line” in the order process.

So the question remains…do I take the 3000 mile road trip to go pick up the cap that’s in stock in Montana next week or do I wait until realistically July at the earliest for the one I ordered thru carID?

To add a fun variable to the equation… I have a brand new unopened Roofnest condor XL rooftop tent in my garage waiting to be used.

What would you do in my situation?

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If you want a guarantee of getting one take the drive. I know of one other power wagon owner in Montana who is interested in the one in Billings. i don’t imagine it will last too long.

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