RTT Mounting Modification


Hey guys, I want your opinions. I picked up my RTT second hand with everything already set up. The way it was mounted it opened off the back of my truck. It worked well for a season, and was nice and streamlined, but I lost my tailgate as a work area.

So, I am spinning the tent to open off the side and ran into a hickup.

Once I spun the rails they don't quite reach the sides. Do I need to extend the mounting rails, or re-enforce the deck where the rails end?

Suggestions are needed!!

Thanks guys.


Spamicus Eliminatus
Couple of questions first:

1 - what are you mounting it to?
2 - type brand of tent?
3 - which way does it open - can't tell from your picture.

More pics will help. :)




Pete! What silly questions!!! :) I forget that you cant see what I can.

1. It is mounted to a rack that sits over the bed of my truck.

2. Brand - China? It is labeled with roof-top-tent.com but no other labels from a manufacturer.

3. It would open perpendicular to the rails.

Not really sure if that photo helps...

It seems to me that quick a bit of force would be concentrated on the mounting rail closest to the hinge, and would possibly bend/tear the aluminum decking at the ends.


Mine is mounted so that it opens over the back of my Disco. If I remember correctly, I had to cut the rails... so I'd imagine you need to order a new set of uncut rails to mount yours. Check with Scott at Compact Camping Concepts. I'll bet he can give you the skinny, and sell you new rails if needed :)


As it will sit on the rack.

Where the rails will bolt onto the rack.



My concern is the weight from my wife and I, and our dog are going to force the end of the rails that are attached to the bottom of the tent up into the aluminum floor. With no reinforcement at the ends, I am worried the aluminum will tear.

2 average adults, with a 50lb dog.
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Spamicus Eliminatus
Ok - we're getting down to the issue here :sombrero:

So you're concerned about putting weight where the arrows are and the rail circled pushing up/oil-canning the floor?



Pete! Your the man! That's exactly my concern. I am worried that the end of the rail, that you circled in red would end up digging in to the decking and damage it.


Spamicus Eliminatus
Ok - we're down to the meat now!

If you were showing these pictures with an Eezi-Awn, Hannibal or other major brand, I would have little concern. They have either additional rails or an engineered bottom designed to flex properly. Personally, I don't have enough experience with Chinese tents to provide you an honest insight - there are a lot of community members that own similar tents though and it would be best to get personal insight.

One more thing might help the community get you answer: what is the distance between the crossbar and the edge of the tent? The greater the distance, the more likely it will flex and break.

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Supporting Sponsor
I would not worry too much about the distance you have now. Ideally, for the best spread, you'd look at about 32" between the mounting rails.
I think you're good, based on what i can see so far.


Ok, so I'm hearing that I might be ok. The red arrows are less of a concern for me, as we have used it for a season with no movement, the area circled in red is more my concern.

Thanks for all the help guys!!!!!!


I had that exact tent, and never saw any issues (althouogh it got limited use). The guy at Roof top tents is actually a really good guy who was very helpful when I emailed questions, so you could email him and ask.


I too dont think is something to concern your self with, but for piece of mind you could have a buddy with a welder add a cross member on that side and be done with it...
It wouldn't be too hard or expensive either.....

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