The trailer is a very modified 4'x6' Tractor Supply Carry-On That is 24” off the ground. The sides are 25” high. The rack is being built/mounted upon a beefed up subframe ( 2x ) 17”s above the topsides for access. This gives us a rack height of 66”s from the ground. We carry about 300 lbs of gear, water gasoline, cast Iron cookware, back packs, chairs, tables, etc, etc, in the trailer. The trailer has a 74" track width atop 285/75/16s. The aluminum rack ( 41"x60") will be bolted to the fore and aft uprights and the RTT bolted upon the rack giving an additional 2" in height getting it up to 68". I'm six foot, so not a big deal to duck under something 4" shorter than I. I considered a telescoping set up, however, That much gizmology just isn't worth the 5 or 6 inches gained in height. I'm thinking that I'm OK as the height of the racks, are still shorter (66") (80" high with tent mounted) than the track width (74"). My question is twofold, Is this too high? BTW, I also use a 5 ton pintle hook, so it's nearly impossible to lay it completely over. I view my rough diagram and I see other trailers out there that have the RTTs mounted a lot higher than my plan, but I think they must not traverse very technical terrain. All informed opinions are welcome, and thanks for your time.