RTT Regrets


New member
I am looking to purchase my first RTT in the very near future and I can't decide whether to get the Stargazer / Sky option or standard roof.

Does anybody regret purchasing one or the other and why?



Don't Litter
Depends on where you'll be using it... does it rain often where you travel? If yes, skip the open roof. If no, go for it!

When they first came out with that option I seriously thought about selling my current RTT and buying one with the sky roof, but then I remembered, it rains almost every night I camp. It may still be a benefit to be able to open up the roof during the day and stand straight up for taking pictures, reaching high things, etc etc...

I haven't heard any reports from people who own them yet... do they leak?

Lucky j

Personaly, I would love the stargazer option, but I do not like dew.

So unless you camp where you do not have it (dew) in my book, go for it!

But then again, I have the regular style ARB. Still love it and the 4 side windows protected from the rain even while fully open! Great view, njust not the stars above us!


I have never regretted not being able to see the sky from inside my tent. Warm and dry are the top requirements for me.
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I guess I'm in the minority. I love the sky option in my Autana, it was the main reason I got it, and if I ever get another RTT, it'll have it too. I think it's the best feature on the tent. But I'm also in SoCal so rain isn't really a problem here, your area might be different.

I use it almost every time I use the tent. In the morning, I'll unzip the panels and let all the light in, and if there's any condensation it dries out instantly. Without the sky panels, the interior of the RTT is pretty dark and dreary during the day, and it can get stuffy in hot weather, even with all the windows and doors open. It's especially noticeable if the tent has the covered entrance.

If I need better weatherproofing there's a rainfly that covers the entire top. I don't really see a downside to it other than price.
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Active member
I have the CVT Mt. Cayley and the sky option has a see through plastic rain fly over the skylights, so you can open it and not worry about moisture.

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Expedition Leader
:sombrero: I've been camping since 1948--

I remember what the sky looks like, My RTT is for -"SLEEPING"-

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


New member
Thanks for all your input. Residing in the Phoenix area I shouldn't see too much rain. Was thinking having the ability to open up the roof may help let some of the day time heat to escape. Just concerned with the additional zippers and seams being an issue as previously stated.


I've been rained on in Upstate New York, Vermont, the Southern Arizona Mountains, and now western Washington in my Tepui Kukenam Sky. Never gotten a drop of rain inside the tent. The Sky feature was especially nice during my brief tenure in AZ. Just my $0.02.


If you're in the Southwest or anywhere that gets warm the sky option is a no-brainer IMO. "Sky" and "Stargazer" are great marketing terms, but it's not so much about being able to see outside as it is the airflow. The amount of ventilation those roof openings provide is incredible, especially on warm nights and desert mornings when you wake up and it's 95 degrees by 8am. And with the extra light your tent won't always feel like a cave inside because the canvas walls and windows don't really let much light inside.

Even without a rainfly I don't worry too much about water getting in, I think the panels themselves can withstand a light to moderate rain. I've washed my tent with a garden hose sprayer without any water getting in. With the rainfly on it's the same as any other tent. You can also open the panels with the rainfly on, that gives you the ability to get light through the translucent fly, but also avoid direct sun or rain and still get some ventilation.


New member
Due to the CVT promo going on, I'm the new owner of a Mt. Shasta with Stargazer option.

I appreciate everyone's input.


I build Boat Anchors
i have the howling moon and i love it.. the open roof makes a huge difference in air flow.. i personally love it. plus i like stars.. when sealed up it hasn't leaked at all esp without the rain fly


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