RTT Summer camping, heat management


My wife and I use our RTT all summer long and typically try not to sleep in it once we cross the Mason-Dixon. The humidity and general ambient heat makes sleeping rather sweaty. Once we had our kiddo (Now 2 years old) we haven't slept a single night in the tent when it was over 60 degrees.

So, in a quest to stay cool in the tent we have rigged up fans and the line but are looking for something more.

Has anyone tried to block the sun directly from hitting the tent and turning it into a toaster? I was looking into radiant heat blocks and thought they might be useful. I really am hoping there are some of our southern bretheren on here that could fill me in on what they do it hotter climates.




If you were to replace the rain fly with something like this, I believe the air space between the tent body and the material would act as a thermal block and keep the tent much cooler.

Anyone with any experience?


The south has it own kind of heat and once it starts pretty much AC is the only thing that's going to make much difference. That being said the canvas in RTT's breaths better than other fabrics it seems. I just pretty much stay out of the tent during the day unless we are camping in the shade. Open every window and door at night and run fans. Sounds like your already there so I'm not sure anything else is going to make much difference. When we hit August and get to triple digits with the nights not breaking 80 there is no escape. I seem to get thru it ok. I can sleep at night as long as a fan is running. I put up awnings and we stay under them when eating or cooking during the day. I carry a 2000 watt generator and run powerfull fans. I try to avoid being in the open cause then the heat radiates off of the ground during the day. I have thought about running a mist system around the awnings but it seems complicated and not worth the energy...there is always fall...lol.
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Lucky j

Is it me, or you seem to be sleeping with all windows closed?

Outside temp in the 60 is not that warm. And if you are in an area where you do not have to fight bugs, I would leave the screens open as well. Make a huge difference.

But what kind or RTT do you have?

When temp get hot and muggy, I have a tendancy to sleep with only a cotton sheet over me or simply in a sleeping bag synthetic liner.

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