Hello All,
I'm not on here as much as I should, so I would like to thank Wen from Sierra Expeditions for alerting me as to this thread. This is similar to a thread posted earlier this season regarding a similar concern.
Since our first concerns were reveiled last year, Eezi Awn has made several modifications to the construction of their covers. They have increased the thickness of the material used in the covers. That increase moved the material into a fabric with 2 finished sides, and a more pliable feel. It "feels" lighter because of the pliability, but will withstand the elements much better. It is the thickest RTT cover on the market. They have been using the same strapping on the tents for some time, and have only had a handful of strap issues. Mostly from the US, and the southwest in particular. I would agree, the sun here is unlike anywhere else. Eezi Awn has adjusted the strapping material they spec as well, to combat the freying issue. Eezi Awn has proven to us that our comment are heard, and that they want to continually improve their offering.
This is all fine and dandy for the recent customers. So, what about the concerns of the veteran users? Equipt and Eezi Awn have an open warranty policy with regard to the products we manufacture and import. If there is a concern with regard to the quality and manufacture of the tent, we will make every effort to remedy the concern to the customer's satisfaction. I believe that anyone that has contacted us, or our dealers, will agree we have done our best to make this statement valid.
With that being said, the cover on the tents are designed to take the majority of wear that life throws at the tents. They are the one truely expendable part on the tent, and are expected to be replaced at a varied interval depending on the conditions of use and environment.
So this creates a subjective grey area as to what is reasonable for a covers lifetime. Our goal is to be fair and reasonable with our approach. We take each individual situation as unique and would like to discuss it directly with the customer to find a solution. This could be that we sell you a new cover, or conclude a new cover is warrantied, or something in between. What ever the conclusion is, we want our customers happy.
If you do have a concern with your Eezi Awn product, please contact the dealer you purchased from, or Equipt directly and we will find a way to make it right with you. Wil has mentioned his e-mail above. You can reach me at Paul at Equipt1 dot com.