Run Report. Baja down to Conception Bay. Day 1


The Land Lord
The old copper foundry in this industrialized town kept alive economically by the ferry crossing to the mainland.

Regards, SanDiegoBogeyJK


The Land Lord
Our campsite in Punta Asuncion was far better than what Camp Sirena had to offer! Hot showers are over-rated and sunset vistas under-valued!

Regards, SanDiegoBogeyJK


The Land Lord
To me, this was the best shot of the trip showing the complete isolation on wide open beaches (El Maroon" pictured here. I sent up the quad copter here as no one around to get bothered by it!

Regards, SanDiegoBogeyJK


The Land Lord
Then 30-40 mph winds came up that night and put fine silt everywhere--there's got to be some down side.

Regards, SanDiegoBogeyJK


The Land Lord
CW, thanks. I'm getting a kick out of writing it. I spent 30 minutes at the campfire each night recapping my day. I want to go down there a lot more but maybe stay off the main highway a little more. I definitely will keep you posted on my plans. I'm doing the north rim of the Grand Canyon starting May 15th, but the backcountry permits are more likely granted to 6 or fewer people, and I have 4 friends in 2 rigs coming. If one of the guys drops out, do you have any interest? We're going to use Jacob's Lake as a base/backup camp from the 16th to the 21st of May, but hope to camp at Tuweep, Sublime, Fire Point and some others, and on the 21st, drive over to White Pockets on the 21st and 22nd, and head to Page, AZ on the 22nd or 23rd. The other couple is a laid back former chemist now retired. If you can't do May, we should plan something cool (I mean in a cool climate) in June.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Great pics and writeup, thanks for taking the time each night to put down some notes...

You saw more whales than we did and I am pretty sure we were there in Guerrero Negro about the same time....also very cool to camp and hear them at night.

Glad the trailers worked well, highway time is way worse than dirt time in Baja.

Looking forward to more trip reports, thanks again.


Very nice. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed baja via moto a coupe years ago. 90% off-road top to bottom. I look forward to a future trip on 4 wheels. Agreed the time in isolated beaches was my favorite. Thanks again.

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