RV trip through Alaska


Made a quick 8 day trip in Alaska, just got back Friday night. It's a hell of a long ways from Florida :)

Sharing a few teaser pics tonight and I'll update tomorrow.






I've been wanting to see Alaska for a while now. My little bother has lived lived there for 15 years and I'm the first one in the family to go see him and his family. Not only did I get to see them, but I got to check off state number 48 off my list. Only two more to go to have all 50 down!

Took my fiancee, 17 year old daughter, and 23 year old son on this epic journey! I was wondering if my son was going to come back with us. He really loved it there!

Flew from Hellando FL early Wed morning with a five hour layover in DWF then a seven hour flight to ANC due to headwinds, that sucked! The RV rental company (Clippership RV's) had the RV setup and ready to go with our name on the windshield and we spent the first night there in parking lot along with several other groups. We had requested a 32' class C for the four of us, but they had issues and upgraded us to a 30' class A. It was a little worn, but everything but the stereo worked and I was impressed with how easy it drove. The only sticking point was that they had advised me we could drive it on the Dalton Hwy to the Arctic Circle, but when it came time to sign the papers they specifically stated that was off-limits. Their explanation was that, "Sure you can drive it up there, but our insurance won't cover any damages". I was not happy as I had planned on camping up there, but oh well, I'm nothing if not flexible. :)

After our very brief checkout, we hit up Wally-world and stocked up on the basics, water, steak, munchies, and enough wine and beer for my fiancee and son to last a week. It was then on the road to Denali. I had reserved a spot for two nights in Savage River Campground. It's the farther campground in the park that you can drive to. Once out of the big city us flat landers were just awed at the scenery, along with all the road construction going on. I guess with a short Summer, you have to get it down when you can. Speaking of Summer, we had the BEST weather possible for the whole trip. Wherever we went it turned out nice, highs in the 60's and cool at night. Saw some early snow in the higher elevations too!
Alaska-7869 (Medium).jpg

If you've never been to Denali, put it on your list. The place is incredible. I really hate tourist areas, and being shuffled around like cattle, but I can see why they do that. Even still, 6-8 hours in an old school bus hanging out the windows gets old, but the sights were worth the discomfort.




Day two later!

So, renting an RV is not that big of deal. Ended up being cheaper than renting a SUV and staying in Hotels.

8 nights of RV rental = $1034.00
Gas, about 900 miles worth = $415.00
Food and stuff = $400.00

We only stayed in campgrounds 3 nights, the others were at my brothers or the RV lot.


lost, but making time
Thank you very much for sharing !
Wonderful photos :)
My wife wants to go to Denali, also.
Are only the "school buses" allowed or can one go in their own vehicle ?
She would not be up for "6-8 hours in an old school bus" . . .


Thank you very much for sharing !
Wonderful photos :)
My wife wants to go to Denali, also.
Are only the "school buses" allowed or can one go in their own vehicle ?
She would not be up for "6-8 hours in an old school bus" . . .

I'm glad you enjoyed them.

As far as Denali goes, 99% of visitors have to take the buses. You can get a "permit" to take a private vehicle, but my understanding is that process is only allowed for professional photographers and school groups. After the park closes for the season(as of last week) you can sign up for a lottery to take your own vehicle, which is what I'm hoping to do next time!

There may be some other private tours I didn't check out that provide a cushy ride :)


So many things to see and such a big country. Eight days didn't do it justice.


One thing I had on my list was to get to the Arctic Circle, finally made it with my little brother.


Views around every turn:



Pimpin' my EP shirt :)

The colors were incredible:

Had to made sure the pipeline was sturdy:

DOT guy with his buddy


Rivers of color!

Didn't get to see any Northern Lights, but this was close.



lost, but making time
WOW ! Even more great photos ! ! ! Thank you :sombrero:

Thank you also for the explanation of how it works.
I thought it was restricted, but your suggestion of there perhaps being other private tours is worth looking into.... not to mention the lottery ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed them.

As far as Denali goes, 99% of visitors have to take the buses. You can get a "permit" to take a private vehicle, but my understanding is that process is only allowed for professional photographers and school groups. After the park closes for the season(as of last week) you can sign up for a lottery to take your own vehicle, which is what I'm hoping to do next time!

There may be some other private tours I didn't check out that provide a cushy ride :)


Ha, I meant 48 for me. I have two more to go to check off all 50! Thanks, you have a great place to live and enjoy!

Thats cool! you almost have them all done! It is a beautiful place.



I shoot with a Pentax K-3, Most of the shots are done with a Tamron 17 - 50 F2.8. Love that lens. The bear shot was taken with a Pentax 300 F4 I rented.

The DOT guy was a highway flag guy that had stopped us and walked over to tell it would take 10 - 15 minutes. He was keeping the little guy warm in his jacket. I shot the pic through the RV window. Thought it was cute.

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