S10 Build getting started


Nice progress. So the cooler and the water will be in the front of the camper? How is the access.


Yes, up front.

This is strictly for drinking, center tube will be 2 gallons of water, outer tube 5 gallons of a flavored sport drink.

Water for washing etc will be mounted behind the spare at a later date.

Not sure what you mean by access?


Did some work on my cheapy solar set up.

Ran 1 x 1 aluminum tube (donated from old cap) across the top and bottom to tie the panels together.

Dissected a old folding table (free) to make the adjustable stand, very lite aluminum.

The hinge and lock are stiiff so it holds position but will add chain stays just to be safe.

Still got to get some better hardware and do some trimming but you get the basic idea.

It was overcast and still got some output. Should at least maintian the house batteries.

Put through terminals in the battery box. Ran #4 output wire to a old school fuse holder (also free) that will go the back sub panel.

The fuse is only 60 amp which will be more then enough for the frig and a few lights.



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Are those the old 45 watt Amorphis panels from HF? I do like the table setup. I have been looking at the stick on semi-flexible to mount on my rig/trailer.

FYI mono panels are the best for different light, like indirect-clouds and sunshine.

Polys are the next best, but are bigger and slighty less ******.

Amorphis are the biggest with lowest output.

You can get solid state controllers the size of a large pack of cigs.


FBJR, I am pretty well versed on solar but could not pass the cheapy set-up for $40. My expectaions are realistic (LOW).

Later plans are for about 100 watts with a nice MPPT contoller.

Got the call that the trans is done, hope to pick it up tomorrow, $$$ ouch!

Anyway, did more wiring prep today making all the cables.

Since I dont have a fancy cable end crimper, tried an experiment. Used a nut splitter to crimp the ends.

First would give the terminal a tap with a punch and hammer so the splitter would stay centered, then tighten it up.

Worked pretty well, could not pull the ends off with a pair of pliers.

I dipped the end in noalox first, crimped then added some good quality heat shrink that has glue in it. Connection are good, clean and tight.

The wire is left overs from stereo installations, race car and welders cable. Quite the raindow of colors, fortunitly it will all be hidden in the battery box!

Red #2 are the jumpers between the 6 volt batteries
White/black and black #2 are from isolator to batt box and then to sub panel in back
Orange 0/1 positive battery(s) to +terminal strip
Black 0/1 negative battery(s) to -terminal strip
Blue 0/1 +/- to thru terminals from terminal strip

Since I dont have the batteries yet, made everything long and will build the rest when they are installed.

Just about done all I can do without having the truck here so happy that I am getting it tomorrow.



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Good use for a nut splitter, did the job nice.

A buck a watt, not bad with all the stuff. Wasn't trying say you got a bad deal, more of an FYI for those who think a panel is a panel.


FBJR, it's all good.

Got the truck back today but went right to work on it so no update on the new trans.

The seals in the transfer case were also replaced, headers welded and rear exhaust leak fixed. No more death fumes!

I found a piece of coated wood in my shed that I have no idea where it came from!?! Looks like table top but there are no screw holes at all but it's beat up a bit?

Anyway, it look a little fenegling to end up with the trimmed edges out. It was too short so I mounted my solar/invertor panel as a filler.

The shelves are screwed in from below threw the utility bed. Added a scrap piece under the shelf to give it some support. Looks pretty good for free.

As with the constant theme of the build, installed used neon lighting today also.

They were mounted under my 88 S10 and were ripped off when I got the truck home after buying it years ago.

Me being,well me, I saved them along with the wiring/switch etc. They are stop gap as I will eventually go LED.

The tubes are mounted toward the wall, reflector side out, so it's reflected light and you dont have to look directlty at the light.

Green would not be my first or second choice but it really is not that horrible. Plus I am now ready for Halloween!

It's not easy being green!

Did get my batteries for the battery bank so let the wiring begin (tomorrow).



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Thanks guys, I thought Night Vision too!

Should make me easy to spot at night at Expo East, as if a red S10 with a utility bed blends!

Did get the truck out on the road, feels awesome.

No excess exhaust sounds/smells and nice firm shafts.

I had them intall a torque converter lock up control. I ended up setting to lock up at around 40 mph.

This am, a "moment of truth" came when I slipped the batteries in the box I had premade. Went in perfect. Whew!

Added a 3" border around the upper lip locking the batteries in. The border piece on the driverside end is removable, held in with 5 screws. Will do wing nuts in the future.

The gap between the batteries is just 3/4". Wedged a board between them for now, these guys are not moving.

As a added measure of safety, I will be getting some all-thread to clamp down where the washers are in the one picture.

My terminal blocks did not show today, so no wiring except the jumpers.

Moved on and mounted everything in the truck. Not looking forward to wiring it in the truck but gotta do, what ya gotta do.

Blind holes had to be drilled for the outside mouting bolts. The bottom got a layer of duct tape then I pounded on the area from above.

Made nice witness marks to drill. Slipped right in when I went to bolt it down. Got about 1" clearance from the seat backs.

Vent, wirng, lid tomorrow.



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The terminals arrived at 10:30 today, 24 hours late!

They are beefy, the wires are 0/1 welding cable for a size comparision!

Box is wired, power run to the camper and up front to the alternator junction. Everything seems to work.

Tomorrow will be lid and vent (FBJR).

Got tons to do since I want to hit the road Sunday.



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Did a bunch of little odds and ends.

Added a layer of refectix to reflect the heat away from my double cooler. *****Edit, don't know if I posted a picture of the double cooler before, added a stock picture below.

The inside will have 2 gallons of H2O . 95% will be a solid cylinder of ice.

Outside ring will have 5 gallons of Gatorade Frost. 4 prechilled gallons, 1 "gallon" of Gatorade ice cubes.

I hope to add a small amount of frozen H2O and Gatorade each day from the mini frig. Curious how long it will stay cold?

The cheapy solar is doing ok, 12.7 with the frig running. Went up from 12.6, not much but every little bit will help.

Added a vent to the battery box, safety first!

Made a mounting plate for the output side. Made it easier to mount the elbow and the elbow bottomed out againt the bed so it acts as a spacer too.

It is sealed inside with bed tape and outside with 3M stripe caulk.

The hose diameter was in between the sizes of hole saws I have. Added a layer of HD heat shrink to make up the difference.

I installed that end while the heat shrink was still hot. Fit is tight! Only fumes I should have to worry about are from Taco night.

The lid is made from the same sheet of material the box was. The hinge is from the rear door that I had removed from the cap.

All edges are sealed with foam tape. Just have to come up with a lock/latch of some sort.

Have to mow lawn,go food shopping and then laundry time.

Still have a punch list for the am but plan to be on the road to Virginia after lunch tomorrow.

See you at Expo East ina couple days!



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