Safety Items for Solo Travel?


Whoa I didn't realize this thread had grown so much. Thanks everyone for the advice.

I'm picking up a few small things here and there as I get money. I'm self employed so I'm just saving and going month to month with the build, if it's a good month I throw some money at the car, if it's slow then not so much.

I've added a full size spare, grill, also got my RTT (I picked up the Smittybilt Overlander when it was on sale, well worth the $670). I've also got a first aid kit, some flashlights, various batteries to charge my camera's/phone, orange vests, the scissor jack and a jack stand. Next up is storage platform and then the patch kit and compressor. I for sure want the Delorme Inreach before I start doing more offroad travel.

I'm trying to put together the important things to keep the car moving and will start doing some traveling. As I get more money to put toward the build I'm going to get the car more ready for offroad, but I want to take advantage of these gas prices while they are low to do some sightseeing!

Thanks to everyone who has posted here! I'll toss up a proper build thread soon as well as a review of the tent.

Also, bear spray will be added soon.


Expedition Leader
FWIW in many locations a gun is more legal to posses then an expandable baton. In many places both are considered dangerous weapons and are illegal to normally conceal/carry, yet you can be permitted for the gun but not the baton.

That's quit etrue right here in CA. Get caught holding an ASP expandable baton, it's a felony. Get caught carrying a concealed loaded handgun, it's a misdemeanor - and if the circumstances are otherwise lawful, it'll be a citation and off you go.


WRONG !!!!! as a Cdn that owns what is called a RESTRICTED firearm (PISTOL) do not how up here to Canada expecting to have a pistol get across the border. A shotgun or rifle NONE AR/ AK platform could be gotten across the border , as long as you do an application beforehand . i can take mine to another city if theres a legal reason for me to have it IE another shooting range / to be worked on. But to take it to another province I have to contact the Firearms ppl and get a Application to transport that means I have to plan where I will be shooting when i will be shooting where the gun will be stored when not doing these activities.

I believe the clarification is hand guns. With the proper license you can transport from one location to another, being a domicile, a gun store or a gun range. As Permanent resident I can specify the locations in my authorize to transport so I don't have to do it each time, but a visitor would have to fill out the paperwork ahead of time as well as have a valid reason (shooting competition). More info.

Before we bash Canucks here, understand we go through lots of paperwork to get a handgun into the us for shooting competitions. Including not being allowed to transport ammunition at all. Can't bring / Can't buy. (State of WA). Big headache for range organizers and reloaders.

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