San Francisco to Ushuaia in an 87 4Runner.

What's your schedule for southbound? Our two-truck convoy will pass the Brownsville gate on the morning of the 18th. Any hope to see you guys somewhere in the central mtns that week?


Bristlecone Pine's also occur in Colorado, Bristlecone Pine scenic area above the town of Alma, beautiful things to see.


I think I need a bigger truck!
Oh great... another adventure to follow.

Kidding. Looks like you guys are set up for one sweet adventure. All the best...will be following along. Nice shots and words to match, great work so far. Looking forward to the next installment!
Hey 6STring, That is about the time we plan on crossing as well. Ill send you an email

We're going to be in Laredo on Saturday night in prep for an early Sunday crossing on Bridge II. We'll run the 57 down to Matahuala, at least, that day.

You're welcome to cozy up with us for as much of that as you'd like, if it suits your desires and schedule, as well. Lemme know and we can exchange phone numbers.

Hope to see you this weekend! If not, maybe we'll see you further south a bit later. If not at all, well, then you guys stay safe and have fun!! We'll be following your blog!

We're going to be in Laredo on Saturday night in prep for an early Sunday crossing on Bridge II. We'll run the 57 down to Matahuala, at least, that day.

You're welcome to cozy up with us for as much of that as you'd like, if it suits your desires and schedule, as well. Lemme know and we can exchange phone numbers.

Hope to see you this weekend! If not, maybe we'll see you further south a bit later. If not at all, well, then you guys stay safe and have fun!! We'll be following your blog!


Hey Defrag and Wes, Just outside of Matehuala is the mining town of Real de Catorce. I HIGHLY recommend you going around Matehuala and staying the night in Real de 14. Camp across from the old monastery/mission on far northwest side of town- ask one of the cops in town permission. Beautiful little town. Then take the back way out, via the southwest corner. This will take you down to another hwy where you can continue south. May be a bit out of the way but definitely worth it! The town of Cedral on the way to Real de Catorce has a cool vibe as well. A good place to grab lunch (AND GAS!) before heading to R14.

Btw the only good thing about Matehuala is that they have a Wal-Mart... :p


Road Warrior
Howdy folks, new post up on the blog. Check it out

Sorry it has been so long since our last post, things have been busy on the Home on the Highway front. When we last left you we had just entered Florida right around Thanksgiving time. We spent the holiday bouncing between our two parents houses and seeing friends anywhere and everywhere in between.

Beautiful Ladies, Impressive genes!

Vacation Dad! and his beautiful daughters out for a pleasure cruise on their boat.

You get two opinions of Florida, those who think it is a tropical paradise and others who think its nothing but a muggy retirement home. Like most things in life, Florida is all about the timing, and November is PRIME TIME for adventuring in our homestate. The mercury drops, humidity vanishes, bugs and tourists are banished, and we get to enjoy these pristine months in shorts and t-shirts relaxing on the beach while the rest of the country is bundled up fighting off Jack Frost. Needless to say, I love Florida.

November? Yep!




After we wrapped up Thanksgiving in Tampa with Lauren's folks we headed down to Miami for a bit to hang out with my family. First order of business… FISHING. My crazy Uncle Wendell was happy to take the family out for a day of hunting dolphins. My Uncle is a true Old man of the Sea, not a lick of electronics to be found on the boat, no fancy GPS, no fish finder, none of the gauges actually work, hell I don't even think there was a UHF radio on the thing. We fish by sight, smell, and feel out here.



My brother Jonathan and Mama Dukes, 80's stylin on the fishing trip


Nice little Dolphin, To take the skunk off the boat

Laurens turn at bat

Sushi time! Blackfin on the menu

Put a few more in the boat and headed back in for dinner.

Happy Captain and Crew!

Next day we headed on down to the Florida Keys, one of my favorite places on earth. My folks have had a timeshare down in Key Largo forever and I have been exploring these mangrove waters as long as I can remember. I love it down here. Old Florida still survives in places like these.




Mom, Daddio, and yours truly.




Continue Reading....


Road Warrior
Looks like we are actually going to be crossing at Ojinaga, Mexico and head over to the west coast area of the mainland. We want to backpack around Copper Canyon for a bit.


Road Warrior
Whats up guys! Merry Christmas! Just got done wheeling for 4 days in Big Bend National Park backcountry, I ended up busting up my rear swingout hitch pin mount, one of my jerry can mounts, and somehow jammed my rear leafspring pack through the corner of my fuel tank, also seem to be leaking a bit of fuel from somewhere around the injector closest to the radiator. (Did I mention I was gettin it!?)

We were planning to cross at Ojinaga but now we are in El Paso, TX where we are camped out in front of 4WheelParts waiting for it to open tomorrow. PLan to buy a new Jerry Can mount in the morning and hopefully find a good fab shop/mechanic in the area to help me with my other issues.

Anyone know somebody in the El Paso area who could help us out? Need a bit of welding and some mechanical help! Thanks fellers

Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
I ended up busting up my rear swingout hitch pin mount, one of my jerry can mounts, and somehow jammed my rear leafspring pack through the corner of my fuel tank, also seem to be leaking a bit of fuel from somewhere around the injector closest to the radiator. (Did I mention I was gettin it!?)
What??? Sorry to hear that bud. Did the hitch pin mount have anything to do with our modifying it? Oops. Any pictures/video of said "gettin it"?

So is your fuel tank leaking too? If that fuel tank has a small enough leak, you can rub a bar of soap on the tank to temporarily plug it.

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