Save the Rubicon ---


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I saw that on another board, but they didn't have the affidavit for people that haven't been to the trail. I'll sign it and fax it now.

Scott Brady

This is very unfortunate. The cleanliness of the Rubicon has increased substantially in the last few years because of groups like the Friends of the Rubicon, and great effort has been placed on minimizing human waste as well. Does anyone have a link to the entire legal response (not just the individual affidavit).


Expedition Leader
Being signed as I type (well after I type this) and emailed to the link provided on the thread.

Passed this on to a number of other forumsas well.


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Moved thread to Making a Difference, Conservation and Land Use Folder.

I also found some documentation on this...

From Randy Burleson:

Document here:



We’re using a different angle to submit information to the Regional Water Quality Board – and we need your help, each and every one of you.

We need to get as many signed affidavits as possible faxed back to us prior to March 31st at 888.6.RUBICON (678-2426).

Basically, what we are doing is proving to the Regional Board that any closure action would be simply moving what they perceive to be a problem to other areas, and that they will not be solving anything by shutting down the Trail. More to the point, it shows that any action they take would affect other areas, and would need to be reviewed under the California Environmental Quality (CEQA) Act! The Regional Water Quality Board believes they are exempt from CEQA since their actions do not affect others – we’re showing the opposite.

The attached affidavit (in both word and pdf, whatever is easiest) can be signed by anyone who has ever been on the trail (driver or passengers). Please don’t change the language included – but you may *ADD* testimony of the specifics of your use (dates, number of times, length, etc.). This affidavit can be signed in any US state – please print, sign, and fax it to 888.6.RUBICON (678-2426). If members of your household, family, club, etc. have accompanied you to the Rubicon, please forward to them as well!

You can print out the attachment or the following email – if you print out the above, please cut out the parts as indicated.


Primary Fax: 888.6.RUBICON (678-2426)
Secondary fax: 530-644-5234
Third fax: 818-729-9258
Fourth fax: 916-444-6915

You can also e-mail it if you do not have access to fax to:

If you have never been on the Rubicon but want to someday, please use this document.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Wow, well I guess if this happens maybe people will wake up to the need to get more involved in the process.

Too bad also for those of us who have never been there but hope to 1 day.


Expedition Leader
Wow, well I guess if this happens maybe people will wake up to the need to get more involved in the process.

Since you want people to wake up, maybe people should also not let the human waste get so bad that it actually affected the water quality.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Since you want people to wake up, maybe people should also not let the human waste get so bad that it actually affected the water quality.

I agree always comes back to personal responsibility.
To clean up after yourself.
To clean up after others.
To voice your thoughts about how your lands are managed.
To make sure something is keep for those who come after us.

If it has to be closed due to waste, abuse, habitat or whatever reason then that is how it is.
Again I just hope this will wake up more people to the fact that there is no "they" only "we".

Another loss is that a local 4wd club in the area worked with Disabled Sports West to provide an annual Ride-Along event to the disabled.

The closure will have been earned by the people who use the area and didn't take care of what they loved...more than likely it was the "few" who ruin it for the "many".


I am not in favor of closing trails. The more trails that close, the less we have, that coupled with the fact that if it is closed, it will most likely not be re-opened in my or the next generations life time if at all.

That said, it is hard for me to support keeping this trail open. I grew up 35 minutes from this trail. I learned to wheel on this trail (in a jeep with 31's). I was there the day an offroad "group" blew up an obsticle to make it harder. I have been to many a Jamboree on this trail. Since it is such a public trail, it is the many who have made it bad for the few. There are a few good groups trying to keep it clean and natural looking, but they just can't keep up with the "masses" that are out there trashing it. Most of the people that I have seen run the trail don't believe the same things Expo members believe. They do not pack out waste (human) or dig up spilled fluids. Heck, some don't even bring their own trash out. It is sad, but true. If the trail closes, well I HOPE people see why. It is not because of the "tree huggers" (not sure if that is the correct term), but instead because of what "we" have done.

I am not trying to start a heated thread, but just stating what I have seen. I have some old pics of examples of everything I am stating, if I can find them I will post them up for all to see (or e-mail them to someone to post since I can't seem to figure that one out) If you have a chance, go and walk the trail. 50 to 100 yards off trail at the begining of any obsticle you will find trash, or if your lucky something else. Take a look at Big Sluce, see if you can find the blast marks from making it "harder". If you don't, check out the right side half way or so through. "Blasted" rock looks nothing like "brocken/weathered" rock.

Again, I am all for saving things we deserve. But do we deserve something we don't take care of? I have often thought that maybe they should make it a "pay to enter" area. That could solve some of the problems.

Please take this post as info, and thats it. If you don't agree with it, well that's the benefit of living in the USA. And no hard feelings toward those who believe differently.

It is sad, but true. If the trail closes, well I HOPE people see why. It is not because of the "tree huggers" (not sure if that is the correct term), but instead because of what "we" have done.

Unfortunately, I doubt these same people who trash the place will see why. Taking personal responsibility for our own actions is something very rare these days. I can guarantee that "Tree huggers" will be blamed. Its absolutely disgusting and I hate it with a passion. That said, it is a shame that such a famous place might be closed down. That's too bad.

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
Josh, that was exceptionally well-put. Thanks for the honest, first-hand take on the situation.

I wonder why the land agency in charge of the Rubicon couldn't take the approach the Park Service did with river running in the Grand Canyon. Entrance on a permit basis, a cap on yearly visitation, strict rules regarding portable toilet systems, etc. Better than closing it down totally, and the experience and scenery would rebound to where they should be. Sure, some would complain about a waiting list, but better a waiting list than no list at all.

I too would hate to see such an icon closed.


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Josh, that was exceptionally well-put. Thanks for the honest, first-hand take on the situation.

I wonder why the land agency in charge of the Rubicon couldn't take the approach the Park Service did with river running in the Grand Canyon. Entrance on a permit basis, a cap on yearly visitation, strict rules regarding portable toilet systems, etc. Better than closing it down totally, and the experience and scenery would rebound to where they should be. Sure, some would complain about a waiting list, but better a waiting list than no list at all.

I too would hate to see such an icon closed.


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