Saw this FJ plow through a car in Fairfax, VA (He had an ARB front Bumper)


Can't beat a good steel bumper, keeps all the haters at bay.

Sometimes it's a little frustrating, when people try to argue with you that you are being "unfair" to others on the road by having a strong, built-up front armored vehicle. They try to say that you are being selfish to protect yourself like that, at the expense of those in small, plastic clad cars.

The best was one person who parked next to me at a shopping center in Hollywood, in a Nissan Leaf. Totally came over all huffy and puffy, saying something to the effect that "just because I'm rich, how dare I buy a vehicle that will crush his in an accident, the rich should be forced to live like the rest of them, blah blah etc etc...... Total class envy and liberal thinking that everybody should suffer at the lowest common denominator. I tried to point out that if he were to not be a hypocrite, why doesn't he say the same thing to soccer mom vans, UPS delivery vans, gardeners trucks, school buses, semi trucks, horse people hauling a horse trailer with a big dually, etc... I told him that it was his own choice to buy whatever type of transportation he wished, and he chose on purpose a "trendy" vehicle, same as the smart car owners, without really thinking through all the other ramifications what that would entail.

He says that he is saving the environment with his electric. I told him that his battery pack, which has to be replaced every 5-6 years at a cost of $5000+ was just as bad for the environment, and, then told him his Leaf, at a cost of 28K plus battery replacement for ten years of life, could have bought him two of my 88 suburbans. And, I can drive to vegas on one tank of gas in four hours. He would have to stop 3 times to charge his leaf, and if he was lucky, he'd find someone in the desert wiling to let him park for 15 hours to plug in and charge each time if there was not a fast charge station available.

He said that was not the point, that he felt unsafe driving around us big truck drivers, and we were evil and selfish (of course there were some four letter words used to describe me) for "increasing" his chances to be killed. I told him that was his choice... who forced him to buy that type of car?..... I then tried to kindly tell him that the original reason I built that huge bumper was to save my family in an event of a deer or elk hit, which happens all the time in Montana, and happened to my wife, where the only reason she didn't get potentially killed by a carcass flying through the windshield was because she was driving a high clearance vehicle and the lower bumper and chassis and frame area took the brunt of the hit. and why should I on purpose keep my family at greater risk, just so I can be "safer" to someone else who thinks it is a "Good Idea" to drive around in a tiny car that just due to physics will kill you a lot more often in all kinds of scenarios, having nothing to do with actually hitting another car.

He got all red in the face, started calling me a ********g nature hater..... I said, on the contrary, I go out and spend tons of time in the wilderness, loving nature, and have full solar on my roof to power all my needs without using a genny...... he comes back saying I am trashing nature by driving out there into the wilderness in the first place, that nobody should be allowed to ever go out and Use up "our" resources, like driving on BLM dirt roads and dry camping is using anything up except for our tire tread... sheesh...

I swear, I hate enviro nazis, as their hate is based on wrong assumptions that do not even logically make sense in the first place.....
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