Saying Goobye to an Old Friend

Sgt Grunt

It's time to say goodbye... Decided to sell the 80... and they are coming to pick it up next week. It has been a tough decision, and I am wondering if I made the right one???

Please help to console me.....


Active member
Sorry to hear this!

What are you getting to replace the 80?

gotta do..... what ya gotta do!


I don't know if congrats would be appropriate...

I am sure it was a very difficult decision.

But, like an old friend... You never say good-bye, just farewell until we meet again. And I am confident you have a buyer that will devote the time, energy, and love that she deserves.


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
You're already regretting it? That's not a good sign. Usually that comes later.. at least for all the times i sold my beloved rigs.


Hi Darryl,

If I had an eighty anything like yours I would feel the same way, for those who don't know the rig in question:


Did you sell the trailer with it? I'm still hoping if you have it after the 1st of the year that I might be able to pick it up...

Sgt Grunt

I have had it out of the garage twice this year... so I just can't justify not using it.

I have pulled my Kimberley Kamper with it and it doesn't like that much weight on top of the 6250 that it weighs empty. All my gear, plus wife, dog, and all the truck is 7200 plus 2650 KK... Ouch!!!

So I decided to stay with the KK and figure out something to pull it with. My wife has a 07 V8 4-Runner, I just don't want to lift it to be at an equal height for the KK or rig up some kind of taller hitch because the tailgate will not open that way. I have a 06 Dodge Diesel that will do the trick, but that's BORING!!!

So that's my story!!! :wavey:

Chris, I still have the trailer... a guy in Dallas is interested, but having a hard time gathering the cash.


Expedition Leader
Sorry for your loss! I didn't realize that 80 on Slee's page was yours. Its very nice!! I think I hear a "pre-loved" 100 calling your name.


Here is the chant---Taco! Taco! Taco!

Dog on the back seat, six speed, 26 miles on it, (Wife drives it every day, and loves the 3 in lift and nitto tires. Just a perfect picture. Oh, you already have a 4 runner?


I got just what you need, you just don't want it. :D

I still think it was the right choice given your current situation with trucks and trailers.

Sgt Grunt

Cal'dog- I have been buying all of his other junk that he has laying around... Besides he has "special plans" for that truck, here is a crude at best drawing... ----0-- :Mechanic: Right J.C. Slee??? :wings:


I think whoever gets the turbo 100 will be happy. That would tow your trailer just fine. If I were a little more financially able I'd be all over that fine piece of Japanese steel.

I'm just now starting to adapt to being 80 less. 6.5 years of 80 ownership really spoiled me. However, like you it was towing that put an end to the 80. I will tell you this, after you get a new rig it will suck even more. You will keep looking for the things that you had in the last one. And you will go through all the memories of the last truck. Then after you develop some memories in the new rig it won't seem so bad. I've had 3 trips out now in the 100 and I come back liking it more and more each time.

Eric V.

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