Scan Tools?


For a lot of years I’ve used Auto Enginuity, as I needed the enhanced ford coverage for my F250. That truck is now sold, and my JK is hitting the age where scan tool coverage is something I need again. I could re-up the Auto Enginuity, but Inthink it is time to see what else is out there and break free from the cord and the laptop.

Any suggestions that are good for use with an iPhone? I’m not budget constrained, but also not running a pro shop, nor do I want to. I want to read and clear codes, view live data, maybe record some or snapshot it, and deal with things like transmission, ABS, and climate control faults if possible.

I’ve done quite a bit of internet searching but all I’m finding are dark pattern “review” articles that are clearly directing you to borderline scam sites designed to up sell. I want technical data in the first pass without a bunch of ads and I don’t want to need internet connectivity for the device to work.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Deleted member 9101

If it's OBD II get a OBD II-Bluetooth adapter and use the App Torque Pro on your phone.

It will cost about 25.00 and give you more information that you could ever want. It also does data logging and will display gauges for everything your ECM can display.


I have been using BlueDriver on an Android phone (available for Apple as well), and have been pretty happy with it. I haven't had any others previously do don't have much to compare it against. You do need to have an Internet connection to download the enhanced diagnostic information specific to a given vehicle, but it does read and provide basic ODB code descriptions without Internet connection.

Ovrlnd Rd

I use FIXD for all 3 of my vehicles. Works great, is an easy iPhone app via Bluetooth, and functions the way I want it to without paying out the wazoo for something.


Willing Wanderer
I'm a little behind on technology and was really amazed when I seen this video! It might be worth checking out.
I bought a Superchips Flashpaq F5, and it does everything I want but an iphone app and adapter would have been way cheaper!


Thanks for the info all! After waiting for the butt nuggets at Microsoft office o push yet another update down to my Auto Enginuity laptop before they will let me use it, I am definitely ready to move on to something more simple.

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