Scott B.
SE Expedition Society
Scott B. thank you for a great thread on your awesome teardrop. A couple of questions:
From one of your early posts in comment on 5'x8' being the size most suited for your needs.
Is your LG SS a custom size (5x8)? I realize it is custom in terms of being on/or using some rough rider chassis components, custom axle, etc.
The reason I ask is the LG SS listed on the LG website is 5x10. I would like to consider something similar to what you did as I prefer the SS over the 5 wide RR in terms of looks and finish. I am considering purchasing a stripped down one for the same reasons you mentioned: hard to make time to build one, would like to camp now and customize as I go!
I am glad you found my thread informative. I'll be glad to answer any questions I can.
LG used to build a 5x8 in addition to the 5x10. Their 5 Wide was also 5x8, so it was really just putting the SS body on a RR frame - only minor modifications required.
However, things have changed.
The builders, Pleasant Valley Trailers, no longer has a contract with Little Guy. They are marketing/selling under the name nuCamp. They are building the TAB and TAG trailers, but no teardrops. Little Guy is doing their own manufacturing, but currently are only building the Max (a 21' trailer.) They have plans to build teardrops, but not sure when they will start.
If you want a SS, you will have to find a used one. Camp for while, strip out what you don't want, add in what you do. I am pretty sure you will not be able to find one with a RR frame - but the frame can be modified/extended fairly easily.
Good luck on your project - make sure to start a build thread!