Expedition Portal would like to thank Sea To Summit for supporting our Expedition Portal community.
The staff here at Expedition Portal and Overland Journal have used Sea To Summit products on all seven continents and consider their wide variety of products to be essential gear.
More about Sea To Summit
"Sea to Summit is an award-winning manufacturer of innovative, meticulously engineered, lightweight outdoor gear designed for a multitude of outdoor pursuits. The company takes its name from co-founder Tim Macartney-Snape's 1990 solo expedition from the Bay of Bengal to the top of Mt. Everest. Its research, design and development teams are based in Perth, Western Australia where the company was founded and its North American headquarters are found in Boulder, Colorado. Whether your adventures take you to the sea, a summit or places in between, Sea to Summit's products will more than earn their space in your bag.
In the wild, the less obvious path is often the more rewarding, and this is true of creating and refining outdoor gear, too. We're just fortunate that we frequently get to escape to places where there are no paths at all. This is what makes us who we are; a culture of design perfectionists who develop ingenious, functionally beautiful products with an independent, free-thinking Australian attitude. We strive to create equipment that is nimble and light, but serious enough to deliver when called into duty. Gear which works just that little bit better, so you may find yourself inspired to take the less-traveled road more often.
And, just as the outside world is the inspiration and the catalyst behind the products which bear the Sea to Summit name, it's also true that our team has all the fun in the world designing, developing and building those products. We're proud to create products for campers, paddlers, backpackers, hikers, overland explorers, travelers, off-road motorcycle adventurers and anyone who likes to make their time outside even more enjoyable because of the gear they carry with them.
URL: www.seatosummitusa.com<http://www.seatosummitusa.com>"
The staff here at Expedition Portal and Overland Journal have used Sea To Summit products on all seven continents and consider their wide variety of products to be essential gear.
More about Sea To Summit
"Sea to Summit is an award-winning manufacturer of innovative, meticulously engineered, lightweight outdoor gear designed for a multitude of outdoor pursuits. The company takes its name from co-founder Tim Macartney-Snape's 1990 solo expedition from the Bay of Bengal to the top of Mt. Everest. Its research, design and development teams are based in Perth, Western Australia where the company was founded and its North American headquarters are found in Boulder, Colorado. Whether your adventures take you to the sea, a summit or places in between, Sea to Summit's products will more than earn their space in your bag.
In the wild, the less obvious path is often the more rewarding, and this is true of creating and refining outdoor gear, too. We're just fortunate that we frequently get to escape to places where there are no paths at all. This is what makes us who we are; a culture of design perfectionists who develop ingenious, functionally beautiful products with an independent, free-thinking Australian attitude. We strive to create equipment that is nimble and light, but serious enough to deliver when called into duty. Gear which works just that little bit better, so you may find yourself inspired to take the less-traveled road more often.
And, just as the outside world is the inspiration and the catalyst behind the products which bear the Sea to Summit name, it's also true that our team has all the fun in the world designing, developing and building those products. We're proud to create products for campers, paddlers, backpackers, hikers, overland explorers, travelers, off-road motorcycle adventurers and anyone who likes to make their time outside even more enjoyable because of the gear they carry with them.
URL: www.seatosummitusa.com<http://www.seatosummitusa.com>"