Second Gen Montero Sway bar quick disconnects


Expedition Leader
Someone made d-cons for the Gen2 back in the day, but they haven't been seen in a long time. There was a fairly recent discussion on the 'Wire about this topic.

Drew Persson of Persson Off Road made rear antisway bar disconnects. He's no longer in business. (this was back in the mid-late 90's).
I was his first customer for this product. I used to have pics of the mod. It was very easy to install in back (10 minutes tops) and worked fine until you started articulating the tires. Lasted me a few trips but eventually the bar's ends caught on a rock, which twisted the bar bending them outwards. The outwards bend hit my rear tires (both sides) slightly unseating them. I had to remove the bar on the trail before I could move forward. When the tires unseated, dirt got into the bead and I had to keep refilling both tires numerous times until I got off the trail and to a tire shop. This luckily occured in Moab. If I was somewhere more remote I would have had to unseat, clean the bead and reseat the tires on the trail.

For the front, MisterBishi (Frank) in Australia made a disconnect system that split the bar in the middle and allowed it to either be locked or unlocked. It worked by cutting the bar in the middle and allowing you to lock or unlock the bar ends from swaying independently. It's a relatively complex system. Difficult to manufacture. And expensive (several hundred). In the end, he dropped the idea due to the cost to manufacture and the limited market volume.

For all the various options in order to reconnect the bars you have to be on level ground or it will be very difficult if not impossible to reconnect it.

Would I buy a set today if one existed.
For the rear, no. With the design of our rear bar, it's simply way too likely to suffer the same damage to the rear end.
For the front, maybe depending on the cost and difficult to install.



Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
They are readily available and more usefull than the stock units because you can change the amount of spring leverage you want or disco completely without having parts dangling around.

Currie and skyjacker make them and yes they will go on a montero with little work. If you want it do it :victory:

We need to get Expo users to check 4x4wire so that these questions are answered once.


Maybe we can re-write some of the common FAQ's there and post them here either in stickies, or so they're searchable...?


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Right now i have 9" Rancho 9000X Pro Series Remote Reservoir Shocks, I made my own shock towers to take advantage of the 2" body lift. These shocks are ok, not as firm as i'd like even on the hardest valving and 100 psi nitrogen. But they soak up everything offroad and never fade so i like them. Just got standard KYB's up front, i ditched all the OEM adjustables. I'll be changing those to 12-14" ORI struts here with the rebuild, they are selfe centering (hydraulic sway bar) and hydraulic bump stop and limit should ride really nice.


G-damn, Toastyninja. Love it. Love the recycling/re-purposing too. I wish I had fab skills, but I'm a tad too white collar. My hands are soft and lotioney. ;)

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