Seeking Help With Dead JDM V5MT1 Mystery


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Lord, thanks a ton for looking that up. I've a Mac and am less than computer savvy so haven't been able to get the ASA program to work on a Windows emulator. I really should just but a cheap $50 PC laptop from CL/eBay solely to run the ASA.

Here's hoping MrRay was provided the vin # from the JDM 4D56t/V5MT1 combo he bought so the narrower input shaft part # can be determined.

It's Interesting to hear the 9" rear axles run the same shafts as the 8" units, they upped the ring gear diameter by and inch and went from low to high pinion but left the shafts alone? In light of that, I'm pretty thrilled I was able to track down a 9.5" rear end for my project from the only year/trim combo available with leafs: '99 MS 3.5/LTD.


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New member
That's great to hear.

Would you mind taking note of the Mitsubishi part # on the side of the JDM V5MT1 so that if it's determined it's input shaft will fit the US market V5MT1 we might be able to determine the appropriate input shaft part #?


Absolutely! I’m waiting now to hear back from the trans shop. I’m going to check back in tomorrow.


Active member
MrRay, with your donor drive train coming from a model V44W Pajero, it seems the input shaft in your V5MT1 is part # ME580758:

Item # 22000 in the drawing:
Screen Shot 2019-09-15 at 7.26.43 PM.png

What's interesting, but perhaps shouldn't be, is that it's also used in a few Hyundai vehicles, the Galloper & Terracan

If you're able to confirm the JDM input shaft, ME580758, will fit the US market V5MT1, it'd be a massive windfall for myself and others who may undertake this swap or need to replace their V5MT1s; they're available and not too expensive...

The cheapest I've been able to find the Mitsubishi version, ME580758, is $284.20 ($266.70 + $17.50 shipping to the US) -

The cheapest I've been able to find the Hyundai version, ME580-758, is $135.74 -

Looking forward to hearing what the transmission shop discovers.
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New member
MrRay, with your donor drive train coming from a model V44W Pajero, it seems the input shaft in your V5MT1 is part # ME580758...

Buddy I love your posts! Thank you for all that awesome detail. I’m passing all this info from this thread to the trans shop. Both transmissions are there now, just waiting on them to dig into them. So glad I posted, as things were not looking good before.


New member
Just an update:
The shop that has the 2 transmissions still has not touched them. I’m making arrangements to get them to another shop this week so hopefully I will have something to share soon. Frustrating...

Both shops predicted the gearing would be different for the gas vs the diesel, and therefore the trans side of the drive pinion would not mate with the front of the trans, though I’ve never heard or read of that being the case with these.
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Active member
The shop that has the 2 transmissions still has not touched them.

That's pretty frustrating...

Both shops predicted the gearing would be different for the gas vs the diesel, and therefore the trans side of the drive pinion would not mate with the front of the trans

If that turns out to be the case, it shouldn't be too difficult to turn down the input shaft from the US market V5MT1 on a lathe to fit through the JDM bell housing.

Good luck with the new shop, I look forward to learning what you find out.


New member
If that turns out to be the case, it shouldn't be too difficult to turn down the input shaft from the US market V5MT1 on a lathe to fit through the JDM bell housing.

This is definitely an option that is on the table. I should have the trannies at the other shop by the end of the week.


New member
New shop says the two housings are different and that the internals are not interchangeable ?. It appears what is broken on the JDM is the transfer case adapter, which is a removable (and presumably replaceable) part of the housing. Part number best I can tell is ME581032.

One option we are considering is welding this piece back together, though it is a little worrisome to risk it not going back together true, which could potentially lead to premature bearing or seal failure.

Will see if I can get some pics and document the differences side by side.


Active member
That's disappointing to hear, sorry.

It appears OEM part # ME581032 has been superceeded by part # ME509458:

OEM part # ME509458 is available but looks to be +/- $420 shipped to the US:

My concern would be if you decide to stick with the JDM unit, if/when anything else happens to it, how difficult will it be to address?

If you can adapt either the JDM bellhousing or USM V5MT1 output shaft to order to work together, should anything arise down the road, access to replacement USM V5MT1s and parts would seemingly be far greater/easier/cheaper...

Please keep us posted on the progress and as many pics as possible would be greatly appreciated.

Best of luck!


Bumping this up. Did this ever get resolved?

I have a '92 JDM Pajero wit ha V5MT1 and a 4D56 with a cracked block. I was wondering if a D4BF would simply drop in.


Active member
If you've the JDM V5MT1 from the '92 Pajero, the D4BF should bolt up w/o issue.

The problem lies in trying to mate a US market V5MT1, found behind the 3.0/V6 6G72 in Might Maxs/D50s/Gen 1 & 2 Monteros/'97-'99 Montero Sports, to a 2.3/2.5 4D55t/4D56t/D4BF.

The 3.0/V6 input shaft(+/-29mm) and bell housing is different than the 2.3/2.5 4D55t/4D56t/D4BF diesel input shaft(+/-25mm) and bell housing.

The diesel bell housings are difficult to find, especially in the US as they were never available here; US 2.3 4D55t diesels utilized the weaker alloy bodied KM145s w/integrated bell housings. If you're able to locate one, they're easily switched to the US 3.0/V6 V5MT1.

Modifying the US 3.0/V6 V5MT1 input shaft to pass through the diesel bell housing is the crux of this thread.

Theoretically, the +/-29mm shaft from the US market V5MT1 could be milled down on a lathe to +/-25mm to pass through the diesel bell housing opening, or potentially just replaced w/the +/- 25mm diesel input shaft.

However, this has never been verified, doing so would require a full transmission rebuild, and I'm fairly certain I just bought the last remaining V5MT1 rebuild kit in the US and it didn't include synchros, which are seemingly out of production.

Since your 2.5 Pajero is a '92, I'm not sure what generation your V5MT1 is, they were improved over their production run from V5MT1-1 to V5MT1-8 I believe; the '-n' designates the version, '97-'99 Montero Sports used V5MT1-6s I believe and were the last to be sold in the US.

At some point around the early '90's, the synchros were significantly upgraded from paper lined to 3 piece versions, seemingly the biggest single improvement over the production run.

If for some reason you decide to part with your Pajero, I'd be interested in the V5MT1. I've asked about MrRay's but his mechanic has claimed it; I'd love to get ahold of a diesel V5MT1 to compare to the 3.0/V6 V5MT1 and verify if the imput shafts can simply be swapped back and forth.
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