Expedition Leader
Lensbabies - ever heard of these things?
I really don't take much interest, but an advertisement in a magazine touted that Lensbabies have this sweet focus feature:
As a marketer and advertiser myself, I can envision a peon copy writer in the background giggling because he got this line past the boss. Anyone see what I'm getting at?
Here's a visual:
With that out of the way, let's have a meaningful conversation about these things. The abstract (is that the right word?) focus creates some cool effects. Having "gone digital" within the last year, I certainly approve of performing photographic effects at the time of exposure rather than at the computer. Too much time spent there as it is.
Neat device. (Wide angle gallery here) Would you pay for it? Does it have a place in the travel photographer's kit?
I really don't take much interest, but an advertisement in a magazine touted that Lensbabies have this sweet focus feature:
lensbaby ad said:to infinity and beyond
As a marketer and advertiser myself, I can envision a peon copy writer in the background giggling because he got this line past the boss. Anyone see what I'm getting at?
Here's a visual:
With that out of the way, let's have a meaningful conversation about these things. The abstract (is that the right word?) focus creates some cool effects. Having "gone digital" within the last year, I certainly approve of performing photographic effects at the time of exposure rather than at the computer. Too much time spent there as it is.
Neat device. (Wide angle gallery here) Would you pay for it? Does it have a place in the travel photographer's kit?